Taxi Rides


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2008
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I see why and completely agree with the carseat laws (except maybe for 11 year olds- I would have hated that!) but I already miss being able to jump into a taxi when the weather is bad or my back starts to hurt too much. We don't drive so is it going to be 11 years before I can just decide to get a lift home?
By Law you can take children & babies in a taxi without a car seat, it's just whether or not you are happy to do so. :eek:
Oh that's good! I keep seeing contradicting things about that. I wouldn't do that now but at ten.... well...

So why do we HAVE to have one if we're taking a taxi from the hospital. Again, I would have anyway, but isn't that contradicting the law?
Do you use a pram? With black Cabs round here you just lift the pram in and there is a fastener to the side of the cab to keep it sturdy, I would go for that over sitting in the back of a mini cab with her on my knee.

Personally I would opt for the bus if I was wearing.

Its only a booster seat till 11yrs if they are under a certain height, my DS is 8 and doesnt need a booster seat now as he is well over the height restriction, not that you have that to worry about for a long time :D
moss said:
Oh that's good! I keep seeing contradicting things about that. I wouldn't do that now but at ten.... well...

So why do we HAVE to have one if we're taking a taxi from the hospital. Again, I would have anyway, but isn't that contradicting the law?

I took my newborn home in a black cab from the hospital without a car seat.
Yep, I keep taking black cabs all the time - just make sure you have your buggie. With a sling you will have to take public transport...
I dont drive yet and if I need to go somewhere by taxi I tend to get a blackcab or mini bus and leave her in the pram, I would prefer her in a car seat obv but sometimes its just not possible :)
I never knew that about black cabs. Thanks! There aren't mant here but it is good to know for when we go to Edinburgh. Too bas we usually have him in the carrier, though!

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