Tap water???


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2010
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I got an email from Aptamil the other day and it said in there that at 6 months you can give your baby tap water rather than cooled boiled water, is this right?
Does this mean I can rinse her sterilized stuff under the tap rather than with water from the kettle?
Also if I go onto formula after 6 months does this mean you can make up formula with tap water??
I think that is right. I only wash Oscars stuff in the sink now anyway. Anti-bac washing up liquid and a good rinse under the hot water tap is good enough now I think. I use formula to make his cereal and I do still steralise that bottle, just because of the bacteria that can hide in the nooks and crannies, but tbh I think I'll stop doing that at 6 months. Actually, I don't steralise the bowl the formula goes into with the cereal anyways lol
I still sterilize all Tegan's bottles as the bacteria from formula can be very dangerous, all cups bowls spoons i just wash in hot soapy water. i've started giving her water straight from the tap to drink xx
I think you should always make formula up with boiled water, and sterilise teats until 12 months but I think everything else can just be washed xx
I still give cooled boiled water to drink, everything goes in the dishwasher here. I don't give bottles but when I was trying I did sterilise them and probably still would.

Emma x
I still make his bottles with cooled boiled water but I give him tap water with his juice x.
Formula needs to be made with boiled water as it kills the bugs in the milk powder, for this reason I will be sterilising bottles and teats til 1 year as well. I have never sterilised his cup or food bowls or spoons though, just use hot soapy water!
Thanks everyone! Will at least use boiled water for formula :)

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