Taking expressed milk out and about


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2007
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I'm going out today to get my hair cut and OH will be walking round town with LO in pram while it's being done. I was thinking of taking a bottle of expressed milk with us for incase Emms needs a feed while I'm not there and cant wait (she is not v predictable at when she will want a feed as yet).

I was going to leave in fridge until last minute and then it may be in our bag for an hour and a half potentially before I can BF her again. Will it be no good for OH to feed LO from a bottle that may have been out of the fridge for 45 mins or so? I was thinking that it would be at room temperature by then and not need warming? Not sure what to do.

Last time I got my hair cut, she was ok, but a bit worried that OH will bring her into the hairdressers and I'll have to BF in the chair!!! :rotfl:

What do other people do?
It's fine for several hours so long as yu keep it cold!

When we take bottles of breast milk out, we take them from the fridge just before we go and pack them in a small cool bag or bottle bag with ice blocks (like the ones you put in a coolbox) and they are good for hours and hours/ If you don't use them you can put them back in the fridge but I then usually use them within the 24 hour period once they have been out.

If it is out for only an hour then that should be fine too without ice packs. Breast milk is generally ok at room temperature for an hour and you have an hour for her to drink it all once she starts otherwise the bacteria starts breeding and any left over will need to be chucked :)

Hope that helps :)
I heard that you can keep breastmilk at room temperature for 4 hours or so.
http://familydoctor.org/online/famdocen ... h/828.html
We just pop it in the coolbag that used to be my packed lunch bag :D or the pocket on her pushchair so that it doesn't get heated up by the sun. She'll eat within 4 hours so it's her next feed even if we are home. If we're going out for a long time we take 2 bottles, usually one at room temperature and one from the fridge and keep then in the cool bag.

Bit late for today but it might help another day :D
I hope you enjoyed being pampered at the hairdressers :dance:
yup... boob milk can be left out at room temp for around 3/4 hours... thats without it being warmed up mind. If you keep it in a cool bag cold, with the ice blocks you can keep it out for 6 hours. :D
Thanks guys :hug:

Happens that we didnt need it in the end as OH said that he didnt need it! :wall: Good to know for future though.

Managed to have my hair cut, though had to feed her as soon as it was finished! Ended up BF on a bench on the High Street. Got lots of people smile at me approvingly which was nice :dance:

BTW I have a fringe now, I think I like it!! As I wear my hair up so much as Emms pulls it when it's down I wanted a fringe otherwise my hair looks cr*p! Sorry this has turned into me rambling about hair not BF!!! :lol:

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