Symptoms that come and go


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2013
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Hi ladies

I am currently 5 weeks ish pregnant and after over 3 years and a mc and chemical pregnancy I am very nervous... I am so desperate for this one to be our baby that every time my symptoms disappear I panic I am mc!

So far I have been retching ever day but to varying degrees, intense backache but it comes and goes and then a few odd sensations in my abdomen. Today I even had some ewcm do all of theses things sound promising? Is it normal to have some days when u feel more symptoms than others and can they just come and then go??

I have a scan booked on the 13th oct and time is going so slowly I just can't get there soon enough!

Any tips on surviving these 2 weeks??

Thank u

Lou xx
Hi Lou, just want to say you are not alone! I don't really have any symptoms other than mild cramps that are on and off and sore breasts. I've also got lighter pregnancy tests this time than I did when I had my mc, which isn't helping even though I know it means nothing! Take a day at a time and enjoy it as much as you can. That is what I'm trying to do and boy is it hard going at times. Hugs x
Completely agree to try and just take one hour, one day at a time which is easier said than done! Very normal to have good and bad days symptom wise. You're bound to be anxious so try and do some nice things for yourself to help you relax x
I've got an app called ovia pregnancy and there's a section in the diary to track symptoms and there's so many things on there that I didn't even realise was's good for putting your mind at ease xx

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