Symptoms gone Worried


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2012
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im about 8 weeks and pretty much don't feel pregnant

I had an early scan bout 2 weeks back saw the lil bean n heart going but now im worried somethings wrong and that

as only symtoms I got is sore boobs n a little tired that's all

I keep taking tests to which all come bk very strong positive

I had bloods done on the 1st wich were 2266 and then again on the 4th which was 4566 haven't had bloods done since but im worrying

am I being silly is it normal
last tiem i was pregnant i only had sore boobs and tiredness, in fact my tiredness was extreme all the way through. no sickness, nothing.

step away from the pregnancy tests and try to relax a bit. if youre really worried speak to your mw.

the chance of miscarriage drops significantly once a heartbeat has been detected i hear.
oh i worried constantly!

i spent the majority of my first trimester twaeking my boobs to heck they still hurt and was on constant knicker watch...

even now im 6.5 weeks pregnant and havent even put up a ticker out of fear it may not be real
I wake up some morning and my boobs feel so heavy and sore like I was carrying 4 melons

im worried to put a ticker on incase aswell

but the midwife n scan woman said everything looks healthy and going well
im sure everything is totally fine!

thing is people are going to tell you that youre lucky fir not having sickness etc (and you are to a certain extent) but you wont feel lucky, you'll just feel like youre not getting something you should.

im sure everything will be fine.

I had such heavy bleeding first time round on top of very few symptoms, so immagine MY paranoia. but child is now 18 months old and causing havoc in my house lol
I feel the same Natalie. I had a few symptoms just before I had my BFP and for a couple of days after, but they all seem to have completely gone now. My OH keeps trying to convince me that they're still there, but I just put it down to something else - like I'm tired because I haven't stopped all weekend, or I'm feeling a bit sick because I haven't eaten, nothing to do with pregnant!
I just keep trying to tell myself that all is, and will be, ok. Worrying and stressing isn't going to help so you just have to try and be positive :-) your blood levels look good so I'm sure everything is fine, maybe you're just one of the lucky ones who seem to be escaping symptoms! Xx

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