

Well-Known Member
May 31, 2005
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took ruben to the local pool for the 1st time today. after the initial shock of the cool water he loved it! he seems complately knocked out now though... was playing away on his playmat, then SUDDENLY he went really quiet and i actually got worried and rushed to my feet - he'd just fallen asleep and is completely in the land of nod!! i hope this doesn't mean he will not go to bed at 7 as usual... i will need to give him a bath in 1/2 hr as i want to make sure all the chlorine from the pool water has been washed off, he only had a quick rinse under the showers there.

i wish it was allowed to take photos in the pool... never mind, i had no spare hands for that anyway as was on my own with him.

Glad he had a great time, poor little guy is so tired hope he sleeps good tonight.
xx Katrina
I took Ella yesterday and she was knackered too. She fell asleep on the changing unit in the changing rooms :lol: Then she slept in the car and when we got home for an hour and a half until I woke her up. She was full of beans then and went bed nearly an hour later than normal.

Glad he had a good time :D
aww bless him! i took beth today and she is sound asleep now and i wont hear from her til the morning :lol:

there was another little girl there she was 11months old and she was really trying to swim on her own without arm bands the balance she had was amazing. i cant wait til beth starts being like that she is far too lazy :roll:

only thing that did really infuriate me was there was another woman in the pool with a child of around 18mths and i noticed a baby sat in a car seat on the side of the pool the poor little mite was only about 7/8 weeks old. For the first half an hour of being in there i didnt even know who he belonged to, he screamed constantly for an hour she only got out of the pool to see to him once. I couldnt believe someone could do that to a child i mean why not take him in the pool with her??? she was with another woman as well and just the 1 child in the pool there was really no excuse to leave him screaming like that :evil: i really wanted to get out the pool and go and see to him coz it was blatently obvious she couldnt be bothered. :evil: Some people really dont deserve to have children :evil:
That's disgusting!! I was in Matalan the other day aswell and this woman was just leaving her baby in the open carrycot of their pram screeching. She made no attempts to settle them (they were very very young, I say less than 2 weeks) and kept walking off and leaving the poor mite. Anyone could have reached in and grabbed them :(
thinks like that really make my stomach wrench :x i wouldnt mind but it was soooo obvious everyone was looking at her and looking at the baby, even beth was looking and pointing at the baby now if a 16month old baby can tell when the baby needs sorting why cant its own mother :x
we took matthew swimming the other day and he loved it he has a floatie baby seat and was so happy in it just floating about watching people and he didnt bat an eye when he got splashed by some other kids, then just before we got out ben dunked him under the water and he didnt care i think i am going to have a little water baby!
that's HORRIBLE! i feel so guilty if ruben cries for 5 minutes on the bus if i'm running late and he wants feeding - even if i know we will be home within 10 minutes! i feel people look at me and think i'm a bad mum because my baby is crying!
Glad he enjoyed it, Charlie loves swimming too!!!
Sounds like we have lots of water babies on here!

dont they just look so cute in the water? alex loves being held on his front and he splashes his arms and legs like he's trying to swim. all with a huge grin on his face :lol:

I took Lydia for the first time on Monday. She totally loved it. We had her in a little inflatable car and she was having a whale of a time! She didn't fit into the 6-9 month costume we had bought her though lol. We had to do a quick rush to Asda before we set off to get her a 6-12 month one lol.

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