

Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2010
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Had my sweep and my god, uncomfortable much? Blehh anyway. She said baby's head is well engaged as she could feel it straight when she put her fingers in, though she said the opening was very far back so she couldn't reach it properly. Grrr.
Anyway if I haven't gone into labour by then, I'm being induced 10:30am on Friday. November 5th! Haha. So yeah just a little update. :)
Hope it happens naturally for you before then, but if it doesn't at least you know you'll have your LO by the weekend!!
fingers crossed that it happens naturally :) x
Thanks, I hope I go into labour before then too as my midwife said induction can take a few days. I don't want to be in hospital for long!! Gahh haha.
Thanks, I hope I go into labour before then too as my midwife said induction can take a few days. I don't want to be in hospital for long!! Gahh haha.

oh no.. I hate been in hospital.. Waited 2 hours in the waiting room the other night and i wanted to cry x
well done for having sweep done! :clap: Hope it starts naturally before fri hun x x
hope little one makes an apperance before then hun but not long either way xx
Is your ticker right?? I didnt think they let you go more than 14 days over? Hope labour starts soon!!!! x
Nah the ticker went all weird after I turned 40 weeks. I was due on the 26th of October so am 6 days overdue lol.

Thanks everyone. :)
Hope everything goes well and you start naturally. good luck x
Hope things get moving for you naturally, if not then at least you'll be holding your baby by the end of the week :)
Thank you, been feeling a lot of pressure low, like dull period pains and back ache all night and this morning so I'm hoping I won't be too long!

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