Sweep Attempt Two


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
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I had my second attempt at a sweep today.... and yet again, it was a failure! My cervix is still staying put.

But, my midwife was really concerned as my blood pressure was high, there was a trace amount of protein in my urine, my bump was measuring bigger and felt like it was fluid and because i often don't feel her move until the afternoon that there was decreased movement. So she packed me off to the hospital to be monitored...

All is well and they've booked me in for an induction on Monday morning. Unfortunately, because of an existing condition which my midwife ignored, the consultant decided that i need to be on a fluid drip once they've started inducing so there goes my plan of both the water pool and the nice delivery suite rather than the ward
Aww hun, sorry to hear that things aren't going to go how you wanted... Hope the induction goes well, as long as LO comes out healthy and happy, that's the main thing.


Sorry to hear ur plans have been changed by the powers above hope u have a speedy and healthy birth and hope lil baba arrives healthy and sound xx
Sorry to hear you won't get the birth you were planning, main thing is baby arrives safely and you won't care how she arrived once she's in your arms. Good luck x
Sorry to hear your birthing plans have been changed, but like the others have said aslong as your baby arrives safely once she is in your arms it wont matter how your baby was delivered, goodluck for tomorrow sweetie, keep us posted how your getting on x x

Sorry to hear you've had to change ur plans.. :( at least you know In advance now and can prepare yourself for a new kind of labour.
You'll be holding ur LO so soon!! Keep focused on that :D xxx
I'm just not sure of what i'm going to do about pain relief now... the birthing pool was my entire plan :lol: I have a bet on that i can do it without even gas & air let alone diamorphine (my hospital use this rather than pethidine) or an epidural.

I think its fair to say that i'm not in the slightest bit bothered about needing the induction itself - i was getting really down because my cervix is doing nothing, apart from moving back to its original position after the midwife attempted to do it and now i have a proper end in sight. My OH woke up this morning to find that i'd barely slept and i was pretty much bouncing on the bed with excitement - of course i'm knackered now.

Just gotta keep my fingers crossed that my cervix is being stubborn but will do as its told with the drugs, as both my nan and my maternal aunt didn't dilate with their babies and had to have unplanned c-sections. Theres no way of telling if my mum would have as her spine is fused in places so she wasn't allowed to give birth naturally (and was even told she would never be able to carry at all because of it!)
Oh well, hopefully things will get moving tomorrow! Not long now :) Even though it's not going as you planned, it so rarely does!

Good luck tomorrow hun xx
Something to go to plan would be nice :lol: I havent' even got there yet! I'm not even allowed to go to the delivery unit that's all pwetty and has lovely mood lighting, cos all of a sudden i'm considered high risk
I actually think i'm going to give up! I was scheduled to go in for 8am, but asked to ring at 7.30 as we live about 20mins away from the hospital just to check they didn't have to postpone it cos they were massively busy. Which i did, and got asked to ring back at 7.50 as they were doing a handover, but the woman said she didn't think there was a problem. Being that it would make us late if we didn't ring til them, we left..... We rang back as we arrived and got told "oh, you aren't booked for an induction just a meeting with the consultant with a view to indue today. Come at 9"

So, we had breakfast, went in at 9 and the consultant informed us she wasn't inducing, i was only ever half booked in but they'd cancelled everyone's (but not told anyone, including us) She asked about problems with the pregnancy so i explained about the PGP/SPD and limited mobility including frequent hip dislocation, i explained about the extreme fatigue from the EDS and i explained about the fluctuating blood pressure (anything between 100/60 and 140/98) and how i get really dizzy and sick if i stand/walk for longer than 5-10 mins. She asked about whether i've had Braxton Hicks, i haven't had any.

She gave me a sweep - my cervix is still too high and far back, is 0% effaced and thinned but 2cm dilated. She informed me that the sweep would strengthen the BH's (would these be the BH's i don't get?? They didn't even show up on the monitoring i had the other day) And, i have to go for a long walk. I reminded her about the dizziness and the SPD. So she told me to stay as active as possible at home and walk up the stairs a few times an hour. The physio told me NOT to walk up and down the stairs unnecessarily, to not go for long walks etc. Did she listen at all to anything i said?????

So, they sent me home, to allow the sweep to apparently strengthen something that doesn't happen. I have to go back in Wed night for an induction, they'll insert a tablet for 24 hours, and if that doesn't work, they'll break my waters on Friday morning
Awww that's such a pain! How annoying that they didn't even tell you properly what was going to happen!

It's ridiculous that she's told you to walk up and down the stairs! I have SPD as well and so know that walking up and down the stairs is reserved for when there's no other option! I've been getting really dizzy as well because of my low BP, so staying active wouldn't be something I could do either!

I just noticed that your location says portsmouth, is all this at the QA hospital? If so, I'm nervous now, because I might have to go there if my iron levels don't go up (I'm currently high risk in case I lose too much blood) and it doesn't sound like they give very good service!

Hope everything goes well, and hope you start getting some BHs at least!!!

No, i'm not at QA so don't worry!! I'm at St Richards as i actually live in Emsworth rather than Portsmouth and Chichester is closer. Its weird, my sister had a c-section 5 weeks ago with the exact same consultant and she said she was lovely, but she couldn't have been less interested with me. My MW rang and told them i was extrememly distressed as all i've done for weeks is cry and being given an induction date was pretty much what was keeping me going, they said they would admit me on bed rest.

Its been 6 hours, and no BH, no mucus plug and only a little blood, but that happened last time they pulled my cervix to move it around, so i'm guessing the sweep has done nothing :(
I'm really not having a fun evening, much yanking of legs has resulted in massive problems with movement in my back and pelvis. I have to crawl up the stairs and it takes me 10 mins. Spoken to my midwife whom has advised that if its that bad, only do what i can and don't push it even if it means being on bed rest until i go in
Sounds like you're having a nightmare! I've had to crawl up the stairs, it's really not fun is it... So today I haven't been upstairs once since I came down down this morning.

Make sure you only do as much as you feel you can handle, you don't want to overdo it. When you're disappointed about today anyway the last thing you want is pain...

Hopefully things go a bit better on wednesday when you go in! :hugs:

I have my fingers crossed for you!

Thank you x

I'm reaching the point where i just can't cope anymore. I've been in pain with my pelvis since i was 8 weeks in, so mostly used to it, but its never been this bad before. I've suffered for a long time with anxiety and depression, its really starting to get on top of me now, theres a lot going on at the moment which isn't helping. Being given a date for induction really lifted things and i was so much happier, but now i feel like i'm back to square one.

I'm on my own for the majority of the day, and the house is generally a tip (my OH's brother is a tramp when it comes to cleaning up after himself and i really struggle to do it at all let alone keep on top of it). Its my OH's birthday on Wednesday, so he's either going to spend the day helping me move round or at work and then his evening sat in a hospital doing nothing, he's refusing to go home to get some proper sleep and i can't even buy him a birthday card, let alone a present because my a*hole bosses can't be bothered to pay me for July or August and won't give a direct answer on when they're going to, if they'll even reply.
I don't know what to say babe I hope things get better for you soon :hug:
I know it's hard, but it'll all be worth it when you have your LO in your arms! It must be difficult being on your own in a house when other people aren't keeping it tidy. I'm lucky-ish in that my OH is away offshore at work so although I'm on my own 24/7, it's only ever me here so I can keep the house tidy pretty easily. I'd like him to be here though, to help me move about, especially to turn over in bed! He's going to hate life when he's home and I'm waking him up in the night to roll me over!

Your bosses sound like a pain too! It's a shame you're having such a hard time! Pregnancy is hard enough as it is, you really don't want any additional stress and anxiety.

Try to keep cheerful, the end is in sight, whether you have a definite date for induction or not xx

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