

Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2007
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ok so not a nice subject but does anyone else seem to be hotter all the time? and more sweaty...i cant say that im sweating a huge amount more but i seem to be getting stronger BO :oops: i thought it was just my sense of smell but OH commented on it too. its making me really self concious and i use deodorants and body sprays, ive even stopped using shower gel just ph balanced soap to see if tht works but not really.
I've also noticed that my hair and skin is more greasy i have to wash my everyday now whereas before i could wash it every other day or even every 2 if i was being lazy lol I just feel so dirty all the time and i hate it!
I've noticed i smell more too,

must be a hormone thing, i have hot flushes quite abit as well so your not on your own :wink:
m exactly the same.. i washed my hair yesterday.. had a bath at 9.30.. and this morning my hairs a grease ball.. i constantly stick so have switched deoderant
yeh ive switched deodorant too, was due to anyway. apparently ur body gets used to it, so if u use it all the time it will end up not doing anything.

ahh well, the joys of pregnancy ey :rotfl:
lisa&alex said:
m exactly the same.. i washed my hair yesterday.. had a bath at 9.30.. and this morning my hairs a grease ball.. i constantly stick so have switched deoderant
My hair is gross already and I showered this morning :x
Oddly enough.. I'm always FREEZING at night! lol
Mostly I'm hot, but I'm quite warm blooded. The other day I was freezing, though, despite the fact that everyone else was warm and included at least two people who usually feel the cold far more than me!

Currently, I'm sat here in my tee-shirt. However, the thermometer does say it's 29C (84F), so I'm probably meant to be warm.
Me too! I thought I wasnt spraying enough! Glad to hear its not just me!


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