SVQ question??


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2012
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Hi ladies has anybody here been put through a SVQ qualification through their work?? I'm in a bit of a pickle. . .i have completed it and have my certificate. I was aware that if u left my workplace within 2 years u may have to pay the money for SVQ award bak to them. This did worry me as I'm so miserable at my work the management r awful, the atmosphere is terrible and it's so chaotic the shifts r hellish I could go on all day!! I've kind of stuck it out as we all kno how hard it can b these days to get employment. Anyway I got a couple interviews lined up but a colleague that I trust has told me I will def hav to pay the money back which is around £1500 and said it was because we had to sign paperwork which stated this. Well I missed my first SVQ meeting and was never given any documents to sign regarding this. If I leave could I still be made to pay the money back? Could they take me to court?? Please help xxx
I doubt it if you didn't physically sign for anything. That's a lot of money though, why not visit citizen's advice and see if their legal team can advise you? xx
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Check your employment contract. Mine says about paying back courses in there. It also tails off after the first year in my contact so only pay back 50% after 12 months etc
i would also strongly recommend joining a union they were a brilliant help to me when my employer tried to get out of paying my maternity pay. literally they made one phone call to my boss who then called me back to say i would be receiving maternity pay.
I went through SVQ 2 + 3 and left my job after 5 years within a year of doing SVQ 3 - i didnt pay for anything!

Good luck x

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