Suprisingly out of a job (sarcasm)

star fish

Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2010
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I'm actually only a temp and have been in my current place 3 months now. I told them 2 weeks ago about being pregnant and they were great. Said i could cut down my hours and do a lot of my work from home. But on Friday at 4pm I got a phone call saying that as its summer and everything is going quiet they dont really need me anymore. Just like that....... no notice, nothing.

Anyone else think it might be something to do with me being pregnant or do you think i'm being paranoid?

And what the heck happens now about getting a new job and maternity and stuff? I cant lie and say i'm not pregnant when i'm already starting to show, which pretty much makes me totally unemployable. I'm royally screwed arent I?
I think your right and its because your pregnant, which is very naughty of them! Not sure what you can do about gettin Another job Hun is there Any other temp jobs you can do? x
Oh that's a low down and dirty stunt eh :(
I can only suggest other temping work too :hug:
How nasty and backhanded of them! *******s! (Excuse my French...) Another temp job sounds like the most likely option, I'm sure you will find something. Does your partner have a steady income (if you don't mind me asking) to support you whilst you are looking for work?
oh :( shame. I would also think it has smth to do with you being pg unfortunately... Which is very unfair.

If it helps, I went to an interview for a job at 19 weeks. I didn't wear very tight clothes, but I think my bump was pretty obvious. The company offered me the job anyway. Just wanted to say don't give up - some companies might not mind you being pg!

Best of luck xx
Thanks guys, yes, my husband has a job so we'll get by but am really worrying about coping on one salary after the baby comes even if I do manage to get more temp work in the meantime. Sigh...... did you not feel you ought to tell them you were pregnant?
I think they probably did do that because you are pregnant unfortunately, I was made redundant when I was 10 weeks pregnant and on Mat Leave from having the little boy we lost - they royally screwed me over. But, I am entitled to Maternity Allowance and you will be too if you've worked for 26 weeks during the qualifying period. Mat Allowance is £128.73pw or 90% of your earning if normally less than this.

I havent bothered to even look for another job as I managed to get my SMP off my previous employer until the end of August, so worked out quite well for me. They thought they'd be able to get away with not paying me this, I made sure I put them straight on that!! I imagine some places looking for temp staff will take you on if you make it clear that your aware you won't qualify for SMP from them and can claim mat Allowance instead. X
Thanks Laura, so just to confirm what you are saying, are you saying that if i work for 26 weeks of my pregnancy i am entitled to a Mat Allowance from someone? From the government or one of my employers?
star fish, they didn't ask! Not even anything like "is there any reason why you couldn't complete the 2-year assignment" (which is the officially allowed question I believe). So no, I didn't feel that I need to tell this to everyone. But I told them as soon as I got the offer.
i defo think its because ur pregnant!! utter dick heads!!!
hope ur ok, xxxxxx
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You know what annoys me the most? My OH told me last night, "It's easy to get a job when your pregnant".
He recently got TWO jobs, and think it's all dandy when it comes to pregnant women getting a job.

This is disgraceful and without a doubt it's because you're pregnant.
I can't find a job for the life of me at the moment, and employers aren't being polite at the fact I am pregnant and wanting to work.

I wouldn't give them the satisfaction of employing you ever again. I hope you get some better luck with another job xxx
for maternity allowance you have to of worked for 26 weeks in the 66 weeks before your due date If i can remember rightly that is, you claim it off the government x
I feel your pain here Hun.

I was working full time and became really ill in febuary and was in hosp for a few days, and she sent me my p45 while I was lying in a hospital bed. I was going to take it further but I wasn't actually that bothered, I felt like a weight had been lifted from me. (long story).

S I started looking for work, went onto the dole etc, then found out I was preg! So looking for a job became even harder cos I have SPD and sciatica I was restricted to what I could do (luckily I was honest with the job centre and explained all to them) but I still have to do the "looking for a job" where actually the job centre have told me not to bother anymore. Its not as if I don't want to work, I actually can't at the moment. They've told me to keep applying until I'm entitled to maternity allowence and take it from there. It is so degrading going in to sign on while pregnant and it's the worst 10mins of my life ESP when u see the ones who don't want to work and i have worked hard since I was 15! But it's just summit I gotta do until baby is old enuf for me to return to work as I have a job lined up, just can't start it until after the birth.

Maybe try a few temp jobs etc. But honesty is defo the best policy xx
Thanks Laura, so just to confirm what you are saying, are you saying that if i work for 26 weeks of my pregnancy i am entitled to a Mat Allowance from someone? From the government or one of my employers?

What ZMD says is correct - you have to have worked for 26 weeks in the 66 weeks leading up to your due date, so not necessarily until your 26 weeks pregnant. I have posted link to Directgov page on Mat Allowance here

So if you count back 66 weeks from your due date, if you have worked for 26 weeks during that period you will qualify. Hope that makes sense, it's a little complicated!

For example, my due date is 29/10/11, I was made redundant on 31/03/11 - I worked full time up to this date and for 9 years before this. Counting back 66 weeks take me back to 24/07/10 so I worked 35 weeks of the 66 weeks test period even though I was only 10 weeks pregnant when made redundant. Hope that helps a little :)

Just to add you will only be able to claim this from week 29 of your pregnancy, that's the earliest they will start to pay. So in the meantime you may be able to claim another benefit of some kind.
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Thanks guys, am calling all temping agencies today! x

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