Sunbites (walkers) wholegrain crisps/snacks


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2005
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Hi everyone,

I just found these in Tescos, and gave some to Maheen. Maheen loves the idea of having crisps, but I never liked to give her some, but I tasted these ones, and they are not too slaty at all, and it makes me feel better to know it's wholegrain. Thanks God, she likes them too, which is good!

I wondered if anyone else had tried them, or if it's a bad idea to give this to a 19 months toddler?

Maheen has a tendency to constipation, and she has just suffered (A LOT!) from 4 new teeth cutting through and taking their time to do so (3 weeks!!) and a week of severe thrush she got from nursery!

She had stopped eating altogether, and has just strated again, she took these crisps with som much greed, it brought tears to my eyes...

Anyway, am getting carried away...
so, what do you think of these crisps??

Mel x
I haven't seen these in the shops yet.
Do they contain any monosodium glutamate? If so, I would say it's best to avoid giving them to a child.
Hi, I love those crisps. They're really low in fat (for crisps ;)), so good for my diet (not when I eat loads of packets though ;) )

Sorry to hear that Maheen has been poorly, it sounds like the poor love has been through it lately. How is her appetite now? It must be really upsetting that she hasn't been eating :( I hope that she's better soon as it sounds like it's been really getting to you :(

I don't think that they do contain MSG - they contain Whole corn, Sunflower oil, Whole wheat, rice flour, whole oat flower, sugar (1.9g per bag) and salt (0.3g per bag). So for crisps they're not bad at all.

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