Summer/Autumn 2006 mummies club

elllo im here too,

Leahs 14 months now and into everything, loves dancing, tellin the dogs off, loves watchin birds, loves swimming, going to the zoo n loves going for bike rides :D

She can talk, can say - yea, ta, dog, bird, tractor, mama and dada, hiya and waves hello and bye
She has 7 teeth now, lots and lots of hair
Is in to EVERYTHING, opens all the doors in the kitchen, rides her push along bike thingy,

Shes just FAB :D
hi :wave:
well emma is nearly 9 months and i cant believe it! she has gone from a tiny 2lb 15oz to 15lb 5oz weighed on thursday for her 8 month check, we were so worried at the start that she wouldnt develop very well but she has come a long way (passing her 8 month ceck :cheer: ) and now sits up on her own and babbles away saying dada non stop, she loves her door bouncer and her pool in the lounge full of balls, she always smiles at everyone and we even get stopped on the street by complete strangers saying how beautiful she is 8) she loves her food her favourite meal is chicken dinner followed by red berry compote or rasberry petit filous (sp).
she is my little gem and i love her so much :hug:



and a few days old with daddy
This is a brilliant idea :D I just dont get the time to post on here these days, iam working full time just about now.

Well, i got Alastair weighed on the 31st May and he was 15lb 15oz so he
still isnt massive, but hey there is nowt wrong with him he loves his food, has 3 meals a day and still has 3 bottles of milk sometimes 4 just depends and at last he sleeps through :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

on the 4th May i got him measured and he was 68.5 cm :D

He is nearly walking :shock: but it looks so wrong cos he is so small :rotfl: but at the same time very very cute.

He is 10 months and 1 week now cant belive he is nealry 1 :shock:

Its so nice to read up on how all the other babies are doing

this is his christening outfit

He loves the telly
Hey Minxy what a great post! It is amasing how much our little ones have developed, and how gorgeous they all look!!!!!!
Otis is also 10 months plus and cruising around, he's taken a few steps on his own and manages to balance himself without holding on when he's not walking around. He still hasn't managed the fine art of crawling - eventhough he was crawling properly before bed tonight, however if he can't get around on two feet he'll commando it around the house. He still has no teeth but has no problem in tucking into sandwhiches, lamb, beef and chicken balls. He still loves his strawberries and happily jams them whole in his mouth!

naughty daddy giving Otis a biccy!!!

in deep concentration walking around...

doing a spot of gardening!
Wow, Otis has gotten so big!! He's beautiful :D
Hello Everyone

This is such a great thread. I can't believe how much the babies have grown :shock:

Gabriella is such a little character now; she is crawling around the place like a lunatic; she stands up and cruises round the furniture and the past week she has been standing up and not holding onto anything and is so proud of herself :D She falls onto her bottom after about 10 seconds though :rotfl:

She chats away and sings and giggles.

She has 1 tooth at the bottom (bless) and the second has cut through but not fully. She loves her food and loves her pink rabbit even more.

I will post some pics soon; broadband at home still a bit dodgy.

Lovely to see how all the bubs are doing though :hug:

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