Suddenly scared?


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2006
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Is it normal for babies Thea's age to suddenly become scared of something that has never bothered them before?

I turned the hoover on earlier to vacuum the rug in the living room and she became hysterical. I dont just mean she started to cry, she was shaking and she threw herself on the floor and slid under the couch to hide :cry:

I've never seen Thea react like to anything, I've never actually seen her be afraid before. Its not like shes never seen or heard the hoover before, the rug gets done once every two days!

Any ideas what happened?
I hope so as Keeley does this too... i can't hoover with her at home anymore... my mum has to have her so i can hoover.

She screams and its horrible :cry:
She never used to be scared of it :?
Lots of children suddenly develop fear for no reason, loud noise fears are very comman if the fire alarm used to go off at nursery lots of children became really frightened, a good way is to buy a little hoover for them to play with, they will grow out of it in time
Oliver did this too, I would guess at around the same age, it doesn't bother him anymore though, he just grew out of it after a couple of months. Hope this reasssures you that you will be able to hoover again one day! :lol:
Funnily enough thats exactly what Harry does, he's also started becoming very scared of strangers and becomes hysetrical when someone he doesnt know cuddles him and he never used to be like that, he used to be such a ladies man and loved attention :think: maybe its their age?
Princess_Puddles said:
Funnily enough thats exactly what Harry does, he's also started becoming very scared of strangers and becomes hysetrical when someone he doesnt know cuddles him and he never used to be like that, he used to be such a ladies man and loved attention :think: maybe its their age?

Well I guess as Harry and Thea are exactly the same age its probably normal and nothing to worry about then!
Oh bless her!!

Ellis laughs at the hoover but runs away.

But yesterday I was having a pub lunch with friends and the man behind us blew him nose (gross at the dinner table anyway) and Ellis BURST out crying and he NEVER crys!! xxxxx

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