Such a scare!


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2010
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I thought Tyler was dead.

I'd popped to the toilet had the door open and everything (baring in mind I'm also in a 1 bedroom flat so I was no more than 5 meters away) and I left Tyler on his mat. I could hear him kicking away and what not then I heard a big kick noise. Thought nothing of it. He'd gone quiet but he does that sometimes.

I came out and I saw him laying eyes shut with the mat folded over on top of him on his mouth and everything like this
I shouted his name and grabbed him and his eyes opened and he smiled at me!

That is the first time he's EVER fallen asleep on his mat and he chose to do it like that :|

:shock: Omg hunny what a fright! Hope your bp is coming back to normal :hug: xxxxxxxxxx
Naughty Tyler!!! They do like to scare us, Oz still does it at 17 months!
ooh lol, the first of many big scares im sure from the little monkey. he'll be popping out from behind the sofa before you know it
I bet your heart was racing, bless. Hope you've recovered now! Xx
Omg! I hate heart stopping moments like that! We have the same play gym as u but Ethan has never managed to kick it over like that! Tyler must b a power house! Lol! Glad he is ok tho x
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Good grief!!! Glad he's ok! Must have been a terrible fright
OMG I'm sure you nearly had a heart attack. They do these things to scare us!!!
omg i bet you panicked...the first of many panicks he'll giv you im sure :) xx
Oh dear!! What a little monster scaring you like that!! Hope you've recovered xx
Argh!! Not what u wanna see!! Bet your heart was in your mouth!

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