Such a horrid dream last night -COULD BE UPSETTING


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2010
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Well, I blame this on the nicotine lozenger i was sucking on just before I went to bed :shakehead:

I had a dream that I'd just had a baby. It was a girl but I can't remember her name etc.

I was already back at home and was giving her a bath. For some reason I had to pop out with my mum and dunno how long I was even gone for or where I went.

Next thing I know I came home and remembered to my horror that I'd left the baby in the bath on her own!!

The bath sort of morphed into my little bowl that lives in the utility room sink and the baby morphed into a tiny doll that you could fit in the palm of one hand (but in my dream she was still my baby).

Anyhoo, I ran to the bath (bowl) and grabbed the baby (doll) out of it but I could already see to look at her that she was dead. I tried to recusitate but couldn't and in my dream I was just crying and crying and could feel nothing but utter heart break.

I was looking down at my body where my tummy was still swollen from having her and just thinking "god I'll never be able to feed her again" (breastfeed) and I was howling and sobbing my heart out.

Anyway in real life I woke up with a massive gasp and the tears were running down my face! How random is that! and horrible.

Wonder if this means anything in my subconscious! :eh:
Subconsciously this is probably just fears about the responsibility having a baby brings hun, better that your mind sorts it out in your dreams rather than causing you problems in reality.

On an oddly positive note, dreaming of a death has been the omen for a birth for centuries....

I also had an unpleasant night's dreams involving my Mum being in hospital for surgery which did not go too well, I took that as me worrying about not being able to 'fix' things that are problematic in my life right now.

Hope you sleep better tonight
I have had dreams about having a baby and then losing it - as in leaving it somewhere. Very weird!
Just makes you wonder what the flip goes on in one's head to create these dreams??

I certainly know that when I have a dream of giving birth it is not a good sign. I've only ever had 2 dreams of giving birth/labour.

The first one I had was in October last year, I dreamt that I was in labour subsequently gave birth. O/h's auntie died the next day.

The second was in November. I dreamt that I was in labour and was howling because I didn't want the baby to be born. I was trying to stop it and saying "no no I don't want this make it stop". My nanna died a few days after this. She'd been in hospital for a while.

It was horrid :-(
Was properly upset when I woke up too - but also very relieved to realise it was a dream :rolleyes:
Oh hun :hugs:

I keep imagining I'm going to let go of my pram at the top of a hill near us. I think dreams/thoughts like this are normal, just not very nice :(
I dream all the time that jack is stolen!

Could be good news through my nan swears if you dream of a death you get a birth
I shall keep everything crossed then (bar legs ;-))
Jayne I had a very very similar dream the other night and woke up feeling physically sick.. I was in the bath with Odhrán and we were playing, I dozed off and after a while I jumped awake and looked down and he was under the water with his eyes open and he was blue and I couldn't move, I was trying my hardest to move to get him out of the water quick and I could not move anything.. Terrifying.. I wonder how we can dream such awful things xx
I often dream that there is a massive flood and my kids get washed away from me :( it shakes me up for the rest of the day when I have them dreams.

I hope you don't get that dream again hun, sounds awfull xx
Oh what a dream Hun, hope you never have that one again..

I have dreamt recently that I go into labour 8 weeks early and I'm not ready for it all, I think it's a worry thing manifesting itself as a dream while your asleep, but running through it , does help, now I'm getting organised , there is much to do on my house, so I won't worry so much about being caught not ready!

Also I went through a stage two years ago ish where I kept dreaming , and always my OH died, they were auwfull, and I think that was just worring too, fear of going it alone I guess. (never told OH!)

Don't think that anything in your dream will happen, just your mind showing you what you ar scared off and you will be more prepared.
When I was quitting smoking I had some horrible dreams if you are using patches or anything like that then they will bring on bad dreams hun x

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