Stupidly chuffed...


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2009
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:dance::dance::dance: the :witch: has made an appearance! FINALLY! After 4 weeks of sore everything, I never thought I'd be so happy to see her :D Means this month and going onwards - it's heads down, OPK at the ready...TTC goes serious! :rofl:

Stupidly happy that she's here but am in utter, utter agony. But still :lol::lol: cos I don't care! Painkillers, (had a lovely hot bath), a glass of vino and some nice food - wrapped up with hubby on the sofa, will be the plan for tonight :lol:

My body's working again! :lol:
Great news..fingers crossed that this is our month then!! xx
Yay! Really pleased for you! I was so happy to see my AF after 50 days! I'm 10 days into my 1st proper cycle so your only just behind me!! Here to us getting BFP's 1st time round!!lol

Are you TTC no.1?

I am indeed, Clairebear. I'm so happy - and it's ridiculous. I was really getting worried that I'd fall into the "take 8 months" brigade for things to go "back to normal" so am really chuffed. Makes all my anger-filled days of the past 2 days be put into proportion> I shall have to apologise for snapping at the hubby last night, now, though :roll: :rofl:

Here we go ! TTC in earnest now! :D Good luck to you! xxx
We're TTC no.1 too and are sooo excited!! Told my OH i'll be OVing soon and his eyes lit up! Wonder why! hee hee

Lots of BDing all round then! lol

:yay: good luck TP - I cant wait to hear of your :BFP: so pleased that you are now TTC!! xx
Good news TP....not far behind me so Ive no doubt will be testing around the same time too....heres hoping we all get our BFP fast!!! Good luck xx
i have the same feeling after 5 months of nothing af came with a vengence this month but least we are ovulating yay!!!
woop woop you!! :rofl: - hope my bod gets sorted as quickly as yours, can't wait for my first af in god knows how long. Best of luck ttc! xx

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