stubborn piercing!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2006
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Dunno if anyone has the same prob as me but i been told today at 27 wks and 2 days that my clit piercing gotta come out!! :oops: I forgot to tell midwife i had one, nearly forgot myself as i cant see IT anymore lol :rotfl: Ive tried and tried but i cant get it undone, the midwife suggested a very good female friend or if not will have to see her or the nurse to try and get it out, Any ideas ladies? :shock: :oops:
:rotfl: :rotfl: what are you like lol

What about going to the shop that you had it done and getting them to take it out for you? My OH had to get his eyebrow ring taken out because he couldnt undo the ball thing. I know its probably really embarrassing :? but if you go back to your piercer and ask them to take it out they will free of charge.
OMG violet i dunno if i could do that!! :oops: :oops: my ex hubby has offered with a couple of pairs of pliers! :shock: :rotfl:

i have mine done too and to be honest i aint planning on taking it out unless it gets unconfortable, am i being blonde or is it not going to do any damage
if u think about how far away it is
and anyway, cant i just take it out during labour
and then put it back in?
I was going to suggest the person who did the piercing too!

And you may find hun that the pliers have to be used! Although i wouldnt advice the ones laying in the tool box! But its pretty much what your piercer will use.
OOOooOh GOD!! had to cross my legs when I read that. My dad had to take my earring out of the top on my ear with a pair of pliers, because no1 could get it out. But there would be noway on earth id let someone try to take a clit piercing out with a pair. :shock:

What about the doctors? Could they do it for you?

Was it one of these rings? Their a bloody nightmare to get out.

The piercer would probably use a set of these Clicky to get it out. They are special hoop pliers. I have some which I use for my labret hoop :) (the type in the tool box nearly ripped my lip off!)
Might be worth purchasing some (and the site owner is good old Admin :wink: so it's good quality!)

BTW you can't have them in during labour really... imagine catching it? :shock:
Its not one of them rings but what i would class as a banana bar with a ball at either end and none of the balls will come undone :( :shock: :oops: xxxxxxx
:shock: ouch im cringing at the thought of anyone near those bits with a plier :rotfl: xxx
Hi, how come you have to take it out? I never did when I was pregnant, it was only when I was about to give birth I took it out :lol: but the midwife at the hospital told me that some women give birth with them in :shock:
aww bless i used to get that problem with my piercings loads!!! have nearly ripped out my labret ring by trying to use scissors to open it too sami hehe...

have you tried using tissue to hold the balls with, and twisting them both seperate ways at the same time, this did the job when my tongue piercing got stuck in hehe.

Good luck!
cas xx

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