Struggling with teething


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2006
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I think he is teething anyway, he keeps biting the bottom of his dummy and he is constantly screaming at the moment, calpol isnt working at all and he naps for a minute then starts screaming again. Is there anything else i can do to soothe him?
I've tried bonjela, dentinox and calgel teething gels with Isaac and only the bonjela one seems to do anything for him, so maybe try diff gels? I haven't found Calpol to do anything either :( Otherwise I have no advice, wish there was something else to do for them, think its more about comforting, cuddles and kisses, and let him chew on your finger, that might help, hope he's feeling better real soon :hug:
Thank you :)

I do let him chew on my finger but it doesnt often work and he puts his tongue on the way :?
Sorry Flame, on a more practical note, now they are past 3 months you can give them childrens nurofen. Its much more effective than calpol on teething pain.
I have been using Medised occasionally whice seems to send him to sleep within seconds but i feel bad if i give him that more than once every few days.

I have now got some Ashton & Parsons powders, hoping they help him.
Flame - Have the Ashton & Parsons powders helped? I think my little girl is teething too as she is crying, chewing, dribbling, irritable and not sleeping well. Has your little one had diarrhoea too? IPoppy had a little bit and I read somewhere that it may also be connected to the teething.
hav u tried those teethers that u put in the fridge?
good luck with it all xx
how do you manage to give your lo's the powders! alice spits and sprays it all out of her mouth :lol:

frozen melon/pear that type of thing works wonders for alice.
Sam&Alice said:
how do you manage to give your lo's the powders! alice spits and sprays it all out of her mouth :lol:

frozen melon/pear that type of thing works wonders for alice.

I dont know why but Arianna loves them... she gets excited when she seems the packet and opens her mouth for them... :lol:
I have only used them once and had to use medised about 10 mins later so i cant really say whether they worked properly or not.
i think they take some time and repeated doeses to have any effect.
I have been using New Era teething tablets from Holland & Barrett after someone suggested them on here. They have helped L a lot.....basically its about £4.50 (iirc) for 400 tablets, you out 2 on the tongue (hold with your figner until they dissolve) 3 times a day. They're homeopathic too so you don't need to feel bad about loading baby with medicines.....calpol helps when she has a particularly bad day, but I don't think its just a coincidence that since using these she has been calmer :hug:
Hellokitty said:
Redshoes said:
only the bonjela one seems to do anything for him,

Probably because its 33% alcohol! :lol:

I didn't know that Hellokitty, thankyou :hug: He has such good taste :lol:
I think I'll try them too Emmylou, and thanks for all the experience too, it's so horrible knowing they're in pain and not finding something to soothe them :(
have you tried calprofen rather than calpol. it contains ibuprofen rather than just paracetamol. it helps with pain and its an anti-inflamatory (sp?) and you can also use it at the same time as calpol. we were advised to use them both together when things got really bad. this seems to help our little boy, hope it does yours.
I used the teething powders with Austin, and they seemed to help. I used to give him frozen fruits too - mainly melon or mango, he loves it and it seemed to help. Otherwise, just chewing on my finger.

I was quite lucky, he was teething for a few months but only ever had one really bad day the day before the first little toothy peg appeared. He's got 4 now, they're just so cute!!! (I keep forgetting he's got them though, and letting him bite my fingers still, which HURTS!)

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