Struggling to express


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2016
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So Eliza is 5 weeks now and still won't latch on to me. I'll keep trying but it's pretty obvious it's just not going to happen now, so she's being fed a mix of expressed milk and formula.

However, when it comes to expressing, there is just not enough time in the day!
Yesterday was my mother in law's birthday so we were at hers from about 3pm and didn't get home until after 9.
I really don't feel comfortable expressing outside of my own home so couldn't all afternoon.
Prior to that, what with the constant changes, feeds, comforting etc (she's going through a fussy phase atm) not to mention attempting to feed and shower myself, there just aren't enough hours in the day!

If I stay in all day by myself with no visitors, I can just about get through 3 or 4 sessions. Getting 1 full feed (4oz now!) takes nearly an hour, and if I have to deal with baby during it can be 3 hours on and off before I've got enough!!

I started expressing at 12 today and I've only just finished 1 side!!! And I haven't even fed myself yet :(

I've ordered a double electric pump but I still don't see how the hell I'm meant to express 8 times a day as recommended and look after her and keep up with the washing and get the house sorted for visitors and entertain visitors!!!
Oh, and I'd kinda like something to eat myself every now and then.
I expressed for 8 months with my first and she never had formula at all until 8 months and it's hard work so well done for what you've managed so far! I had to just take it a week at a time rather than setting long term goals of how long I would last for.
Some tips:
Get a special bra (Amazon do one) for double pumping so that you don't have to hold the pump in place.
What pump do you have? I started with a tommee tippee and it was so slow. I knew I was going to pump long term so I got the super expensive medela freestyle but all medela ones are supposed to be very good. Basically I could drain both breasts in 20 minutes with that.
I had to just base my life around pumping, so if I was going out I made sure I pumped before I did.
Try to pump just before you go to bed and they say you should do it in the middle of the night as your milk supply is strong then but actually I didn't past the first few weeks.
I didn't have a huge amount of visitors so it wasn't much of a problem but if I needed to pump I just would (in another room). I also had big baby tops that fitted over the whole big bra thing so I didn't have to look at it all the time as I started to just feel like a cow!
At 10 weeks I flew down the country to stay with my mum and dad for a week and obviously had to take everything with me, again I just had to pump right before I left and then immediately when I got there and I had to take milk with me on the plane which you are allowed to do but they have to check all the milk in a special scanning machine at the airport and they wouldn't let me fly with an ice pack so I had to just rely on it staying cold enough in a cool bag.
I'm sure I must have other useful tips but can't think of any at the moment! X
Should say, part of my problem is that my boobs are huge (jj cup!) So the pump is too small for me and I can't get a bra big enough.
The electric one I've ordered arrived yesterday. It's ok and defo quicker but I'm still only getting 1 feed a day and that takes four goes :/
Keeping going for now, but don't think it will be worth it much longer. I'm pretty much dried up

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