Struggling again..

Thanks! xx

I can't remember the last time I didn't take Folic Acid ughh lol

I did get a bracelet a couple of weeks after, hubby thought it was stupid to get something to remember this happening, I'm not sure if it helped.. I stopped wearing it :(
The only true healer is time and even then the scars remain. It does get easier and everybody is different. I found talking about it to anyone who would listen helped. It's amazing how many people have been through it and just don't talk about it. I found it very cathartic to tell my story and hear other people's stories. I found certain phrases which people said in good will hurt the most. And those were my hard time when id excuse myself to go and cry. But I'm slowly mending bridges with women I stopped seeing who were pregnant at my hardest times.
I think time will really help but it just moves so slowly!

I'm already feeling a bit better since I started this thread though! I had the scan date stuck in my head but now the date has gone there's no more dates left! ..apart from the dreaded due date, but that's ages away and I hope by then we'll have managed it again, it would makes it a little easier on me.. but we'll see!

Trying to arrange a visit to see family but finding that hard.. I cancelled the visit a couple of weeks ago cause I felt like a failure and didn't want to be around them in case they acted different or weird with me - that and I was in a bad mood + crazy hormones cause I got my period. Still not sure I'm ready to see them which is rediculous cause it's been long enough since mc!!

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