stretch marks


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2008
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please tell me there horrible things at least fade considerably :think:

i've got Loads, had since week 20 but now at week 34 my bumps covered in them :evil: and they are all bright red just to make sure i see them in the mirror :roll:

every bump photo i see i wonder where everyone elses stretch marks are, lol, you lucky lot, i'm sure i have more other peoples share too.

anyway do they fade?? please say they do!!

and anyone with them please post piccys to make me feel better, lol.
ive got loads and they do fade over time, i just never let mine fade too much because i am always pregnant again lol
My belly and boobs are covered. And they appeared in my very last month of pregnancy!
To think they were very very dark purple when pregnant.
This is 3 months after. And they have faded loads.
They fade loads, my tummy looked like I had the London Underground map on it with the amount of stretch marks, but hardly noticable now
i started getting a few at the bottom at 30 weeks, and now they are just slowly creeping all over my stomach. i feel so sad about it :( they are a bit purple, but not always too noticable. Im using bio oil everyday (crap lot of good that did) and just praying they'll fade! if they do, i think i wont have anymore babies, and count myself lucky!
lisa, yours dont look to bad at all for just 3 moths later. i think thats about what mine look like now, and i still have 5 and a half weeks to go...eeek!
I cried the day i found them, and the 2 randoms on each hip. And mine are wide and deep. But in 3 months they are nowhere near as bad as they were. I'm happy with them now.
I got them on my left side but you can't even see mine anymore unless your really looking for them :)

This photo was taken when DD was about 8 months

I quite like my stretch marks :oops: They are like a huge flame tattoo :rotfl:
kalia said:
I quite like my stretch marks :oops: They are like a huge flame tattoo :rotfl:

Me too. They are my reminder of my beautiful baby girl. I hated the idea, til i gave birth.
I had some when I was first pregnant but since I fell pregnant 3 months after giving birth, my skin's used to being the size it is now so none this time :dance:
Mine are still as red as they were after i had ryan! i cant wait for them to fade!
They do fade really well so I wouldn't worry about them heres a couple of pics hun

Here they were in Febuary when Jessy was about 2 and a half months old


By gems84,

and heres my belly today u can hardly even c them now


By gems84,
gems, what a beautiful hourglass figure u got!

i didnt get stretchies on my bump but got them on my boobs at 38 weeks :evil:

theyv faded to nothing now but only thing is the skin is kinda wrinkley if u look closely :(
I've still got mine all over my belly!!!

I dont mind my hubby seeing them but even my sis, mum and best friend I cant let them see them (my wobbly belly doesnt help either!)

They are bloody awful but as Lisa said they are a reminder of your beautiful baby, my hubby calls them tiger stripes which is a bit naff but I think he tries to make me feel better bless him.
trixipaws said:
gems, what a beautiful hourglass figure u got!

i didnt get stretchies on my bump but got them on my boobs at 38 weeks :evil:

theyv faded to nothing now but only thing is the skin is kinda wrinkley if u look closely :(

Thank u Trixpaws

I didn't get them on my bump til the last couple of weeks same as u had them on my thighs and hips since about 25 wks tho. Mine are wrinkled as well i can actually stretch them out to the size they were when I was pregnant. Does any1 no if the wrinkles go or if they will stay wrinkled for ever? xxxxx
For those of you that have had them fade, did you use anything on them? x
I just used palmers cocoa butter and the palmers concentrated cream for scars and stretchmarks. I also exfoliated them really well everyday and then spent ages massaging the cream into the mark.
I've got one stretchmark and its really light, you have to look really closely to see it. I've been using bio oil since about the 12th week of pregnancy so maybe thats why I haven't got any more! Try it, its fab stuff, you can use it in the bath aswel and it leaves your skin feeling really soft
I avoided them until somewhere between 34 and 36 weeks and used a mixture of cocoa butter and bio-oil. Then one appeared. Then several more. By 39 weeks I was covered in them below my belly button.

They've faded slightly but are still quite red. I noticed a couple of days ago that my OH actually had a couple on his side from when he put on weight and lost it again suddenly (pneumonia). He cheered me up by saying that at least mine were a badge of honour :lol:

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