Stressed and miffed off !!


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2008
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Hi all just in need of someone to moan to!!

I work 1-9pm and my fella thinks its ridiculas because sometimes i dont get out of bed till 11am, but i am so tired and then he expects me to scrub house from top to bottom :shock:

Does anybody else find easy tasks so tiring or is it just me that cant get out of bed at the crack of dawn?????

Im not as tired now, but trying to be much more active........although Im getting much stiffer now Im growing so much!

On the other note though my hubby has just hoovered our house from top to bottom :D

I promise the tiredness does get better, but I would ask your OH for some help.
I get up and leave for work quite early but get home about 3 hours before OH does, in which time I used to get all the cleaning done and have him some dinner cooked - now it takes me all my energy to kick off my shoes and collapse on the sofa - so he tends to to the tidying through the week and keep the dishwasher emptied then he sleeps in at weekends and I do a bit more - right now he's doing the majority of the cleaning - I feel bad about it but I'm shattered, and I'm shattered because I'm growing his baby inside my insides! That takes a lot of energy - if your house isn't scrubbed don't fret about it, just make sure you don't trip on anything and in the meantime look after you and bump :hug:
no- i am completely exhausted too!
still sleeping when i come home from work most days, or in bed by 9pm
Im hoping this eases off soon!
Hi ya,

Its not ridicolous (sp) as all!! Of course you are going to be tired!!! and why shouldn't you get about of bed til 11am!!! Perhaps your OH wants to work, be pregnant and clean the house and then see how he feels!!!!!!
hellie123 said:
Hi ya,

Its not ridicolous (sp) as all!! Of course you are going to be tired!!! and why shouldn't you get about of bed til 11am!!! Perhaps your OH wants to work, be pregnant and clean the house and then see how he feels!!!!!!

Completely agree! Wait until the LO arrives and he has to get up in the night. Lets see who's wingeing about the mornings then!! (not feeling anti-OH at all today, can you tell :wink: ?!! )
Thank you for all advice, I cleaned all the house till it sparkled yesterday. He must feel guilty because I asked if he wanted anything else doing and he said no relax :rotfl:

So today I am doing nothing at all :D

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