Stress in pregnancy


Sep 25, 2015
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Hi I am just wanting some advice I am nearly 9 weeks pregnant with twins and have suffered 3 miscarriages in the past so I am quite worried if everything is going to be okay however I currently work as a hca within the nhs and had some time off a couple of months ago due to a miscarriage and depression and had to have an appointment with hr as I had a few other sickness periods they disregarded the miscarriage and depression but since the day I started I have felt victimised by my manager he is constantly causing me stress just because he doesn't like me so I am thinking about putting in a grievance against him but I feel so stressed with it all and it feels like there's something new to stress me about every time I'm in work and I recently had one day off for sickness and couldn't keep any food down but my manager told me I would be sent back to hr if I had anymore time off and the second stage of a capability hearing would start I just feel like I can't cope with all the stress anymore and worried about my babys health I'm scared that if I take time off for stress it could cost me my job and worried if I could actually take time off for stress sorry for long post just don't know what to do.
Thanks jessica
Hmm it's a tough on e - you should be doing the grievance thing definitely but you've got to try and keep calm and be a pod host for your babies! It's easier said than done I know, but it's not like it's your fault that you've had miscarriages!! And sickness is obviously common in pregnancy so he can do one! Xx
Yeah I think stress in pregnancy isn't a good thing at all love - get it sorted xxx

ive had 2mc and now 8 weeks im off with stress. but now sickness has got real bad im glad im off. just get sick note and relax. pregnancy related illness shouldn't be counted against u xx
Thanks Sarah sorry to hear that it's just so worrying wondering whether this pregnancy will be okay as well ingoing to go into work today and see if he has anything else to say to me and ring doctors as soon as I can xx
yes i know the feeling, i am worried sick at every twinge always knicker checking. i am so stressd my family are taking me to a log cabin on monday to relax. i already have a 2 year. so i cant rest too much as its not fair on her. but i am ever so sick atm xx
I think you should speak to your doctor & then you can hopefully get a sick note for a decent amount of time off. You need to be able to put your health & the health of your babies first, that's the most important thing by far, & work is threatening that. It's hard work on your body growing 2 babies & they have to understand that. They can't sack you if its pregnancy related & you have a docs note.

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