

Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2006
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I always thought Keeley could have strawberries and have been giving them to her for the last month... but when i was at a mum and baby group the other day one of the other mums said "babies under one shouldn't have them as it can make them allergic(sp) when they are older?

Am i wrong for giving her strawberries?
Hannahs always had strawberries and there is alot of srawberry baby food
Ellis has had strawberrys but he dont like them..,.. i have never heard you can not feed them strawberries!!! xxxxxxx
They are one of those fruits babies can be sensitive too. It's the only thing that's given Stanley a bad tummy so far.

There's no age limit on them though I don't think.
Wel i knew nothong about it and my LO had strawberrys and strawberry related foods
Yeah, they're in loads of foods aren't they?

I'm sure you'd know straight away if your baby was sensitive. I did.

I still have nightmares about the nappy *shudder*
Ellie loves strawberrys. I hadn't heard that either. She seems fine with them.
if you had an allergy as a baby, best not to. my friends baby ended up in hospital because she gave her baby strawberries, and she reacted to them.

but, if you where ok with them as a bub. no reason not to.
I was ok as a baby not allergic to anything :angel: :lol:

So glad i can stil give them to her she loves them :D
aww bless her! :dance:

i keep meaning to go to the 'pick your own' to get some strawberries to alice to try.

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