Strangest thing happened the other nite . . .


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2008
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Never noticed this before but the other nite after me and OH had done the deed :lol: - my tummy was so so hard- it only lasted about 5 mins but it was the weirdest feeling ever but in a nice kinda way, then afterwards was like crampy, but fell asleep soon after!

Anyone else experienced this after orgasm???

Supposidly this is the uterus expanding or something !
yeah i get that and I hate it... makes me feel sick and also reminds me off the wee man in there which isnt very sexy :lol:
Perfectly normal and natural. Your uterus has contractions after you orgasm. It's not only normal, it's very good for you as it helps condition the uterine muscles for labour.

Also normal to feel crampy, but stay lying down etc till it passes.

MrsBrightside said:
yeah i get that and I hate it... makes me feel sick and also reminds me off the wee man in there which isnt very sexy :lol:

:rotfl: - its all over at that stage anyhow so it doesn't matter ! ! ! :lol:
Ive had horrible twinges when I orgasm from very early on, im just used to them now and they don't hurt as much anymore. :hug:
I've heard that the endorphins you get after an orgasm go to the baby as well...not sure how true that is, but if it makes baby happy... :wink:
I had very sore lady parts the other day after "doing the deed"... it was almost like they were all swollen and throbbing and needed to sit on a soft cushion! :oops:
It wasn't a rough deed or anything, if you know what I mean!!! :lol:
Jade89 said:
Ive had horrible twinges when I orgasm from very early on, im just used to them now and they don't hurt as much anymore. :hug:

same here since i first fell pregnant, every time i orgasm i get shooting pains down below afterwards. to begin with i used to worry but now i expect it n it doesnt hurt half as much

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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