strange Mole question


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2005
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Wasnt sure where to put this so put it here as it isnt baby related.

Yesterday I noticed that a mole on my back has scabbed over, even though I havent scratched it or anything and it has recently been itching :shock: Im going to get it checked at the doctors on friday as I was working today and tommorow. Iv been reading on the net and found that they may remove it if they suspect it could be cancerous, think they sometimes remove it anyway to be on the safe side.

Just wondering if anyone else has had changes in their moles like this and what your experiences were. did you have it removed ect?

thanks in advance for replies :)
Hmmm is it a ikkle one?

I have something underneath my shoulder blade an I thought it was a spot but weeks later its still there an feels dried up - OH said it must be a mole & like you it's very itchy!

Maybe I should have it checked :shock:
Reply, defintely get them checked girls, I remember my dad having one removed from his back cos the doctor didn't like the look of it, mind you nobody did it was absolutely massive!
They say get them checked out if they are itchy, change shape, or ooze (yuck), so keep a close eye on them.

Lauz, you are doing the right thing by going to the doctors, Wobbles, i think you should get checked to be on safe side, although it does't sound serious, i have similar on the back of my leg, came off once when i shaved (ouch!), but hasn't been trouble since. Doctor said its fine so i just keep an eye that it doesn't change shape etc.
mine isnt that big, about half a centimeter in diameter. Its been there forever and all of a sudden theres a scab appeared over it and its REALLY itchy but Iv not been scratching it. Getting really worried but Im sure if I get it checked out quickly everything will be ok becuase if it was cancerous (hopefully not) then Iv at least had it checked early and they can just cut it out. I feel like a hypercondriact I always think the worst, but will defiatly get it checked out better safe than sorry.

Wobbles I would also get yours checked, its probably nothing but something we have to be aware of and watch for changes.
Get it checked out babe, better be safe than sorry. I have loads but they havent changed much so never had them looked at.
ive had 3 removed, 2 of mine changed colour and grew rapidly nad the other was annoying me :D

they number the surrounding area and "shaved" it off using a scalpel, didnt feel a thing!!!

and they healed really well which im pleased about as they were on my face :D
My mum's had a couple removed, and i get the docs to have a look when theres one i'm worried about.
You're doing the right thing hun!! Always best to ask!!

My DF is a moley bloke, and he has his checked every now and again. He had one which became itchy for a while but GP (who is a skin specialist type person whatever they are called) said it looked okie, but to come back to get it removed if it carried on itching. It's been okie since but we still check his back every week :)
I'd get it checled to be safe x
I have had 2 removed, 1 on my face and one on my arm. The one on my arm i had always had but it suddenly swelled up and was sore and red so gp removed it. Its best to get them checked out with that sort of thing, you can never be too careful.
Im going to try and get an appointment for after work tonight if not it will be tommorow and Ill let you know how it goes. Im not bothered if I have to have it removed though not scared of stuff like that :D
good luck hun ive got one above my ear in my hair :( and im sure its grown bigger i will have to get it checked out xxx

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