Stopping breastfeeing formular question


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2005
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Zara and I love breastfeeding but the sad thing is that I think I'm going to have to start weaning her because although lots of people manage it I don't think I can be pregnant and breastfeed all the way through my pregnancy. I'm an exhausted at the moment. I also don't want to tandem feed her and the new baby - I'll never get a moment to do anything but feed them :lol:

My questions are, how much and how often to babies take formula at 6 months +.

And how am i going to break the news to Zara??? :cry:
The link I gave in Pips post (click here) is good for tips and ways of weaning. has some good articles and advice about this :D
oh Louise!!! the, you ARE pregnant!!! I probably missed the news somewhere!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Mel xx
In regards to how much formula I would just demand feed her when and how much she wants. Put small amounts (3-4 oz) in bottles and give her them when she wants them. She has been used to feeding on demand and going onto timed feeds may not suit her????
Thanks Beanie - that really helps. Yes she's used to demand feeding and is of the opinion that a little bit of milk can cure all ills (ie. she feeds about 200 times a day :lol: ).

Thanks Mel - only just seen your pm! I put the announcement on first trimester and I'm over the moon. Sick and back achey but still over the moon.
I feed Damien 5 x 8oz bottles a day (7oz water, 7 scoops, makes 8oz). He doesn't always take all of this but I suppose about 40oz a day all in all (although I am introducing juice instead of one of his bottles of milk now). I would make 4-5oz bottles and see how it goes, you can always warm another up after a feed if she wants more. Good luck hun. xx
Congratulationg hun Iv only just realised.
Ella has 30oz a day , aswell as her food. If you get a tin of formula it will tell you the recommended amount for a baby that age, and how may bottles a day. But as you have been bf i think feeding on demend would be best at first until you gradually get into a rountine/.
first of all louise, congratulations !!!!!!

I weaned Thomas off the breast when he wasbetween 3 and 4 months old. He would only drink small amounts each time like 2 ounces, 3 ounces max. most of the time he would refuse the bottle and rub his head against my breast crying for boobies. I did feel awful :oops:

what i did was i started to give him one bottle feed a day for 4 days then 2 for another four days, then if everything went ok, i was giving him 3 a day until he went completly on the bottle. He regulated himself every 3 hours and now that he is having 3 meals a day he can go up tyo 4 hours really. But to tell you the truth i still feed him on demand, it is just that he asks in more regular intervals. but tonight, he had 5 ounces at 6pm plus some carrots and some apple and pear pudding and at 7.00 he took another 3 ounces.

Just go slowly, it is difficult from them to get used to not have a boobie but now thomas does not even bother with my breast anymore, apart from scratching it with his nails :wink:

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