Stopping Breastfeeding Question


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2006
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Quick question, a friend has been breastfeeding her daughter for almost 6 months now, she is feeling it's time to stop and asked me this morning how long her milk would take to stop leaking and basically dry up.

I've only just started breastfeeding so didn't have a clue...thought I'd ask you lovely ladies instead.

So...can anyone tell me how long it will be before her milk will dry up and the leaking stops etc?
I reduced the feeds with my daughter first... till it was just once a night, and then it just stopped.... I wasn't leaking at that point. I think it dried up on its own...but right up until just after I got pregnant, if you squeezed my breasts, some fluid would come out. but in total it took me about 3 months to completely stop.
I didn't breastfeed for very long (probably a month). It took me about a year to TOTALLY dry up :shock:
Thanks ladies, I'll pass that info on to her....moomum I can't believe it took a year to completely stop for you, I hope I'm not leaking for a year after Pudding stop's breast feeding!!
i stopped breast feeding after 5 weeks and took about 2 weeks to dry up
I am still breastfeeding but I finally stopped leaking when Ellie was about 6months (that is even when feeding her from one breast and leaking from the other). So I haven't had to use any breast pads since then. I seem to remember 1 night at about 11months I leaked a bit, it was after she dropped another day time feed.
I gave up 3 weeks ago but still leak a bit when she crys
I gave up 3 weeks ago but still leak a bit when she crys

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