Stooooopid Doctors! **update back from docs** more Grrrs


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2007
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God I am so annoyed ~ Rant coming up! ~

It was decided a while ago now that James was Lactose Intollerant. Docs had been prescribing SMA LF. The change in James was amazing. Before he was dropping down the centiles for his weight where he was so poorly but since having the milk he has picked right back up again and I had him weighed last week when he was 15wks and he weighed a lovely 14lb 2 oz :)

Anyway, because the docs said the milk is so expensive they would only prescribe it to him for 5weeks the3n I was to try the old milk again as they thought he'd be fine. Ive been putting it off now for 2 weeks but over the past few days Ive slowly introduced it and guess what.....yup he is so goddam poorly!!!! The explosive poohs are back, the tummy rumbling, the pain, the crying the wind :( Ive poisoned him. I feel like the docs made me use him like some guinea pig :evil: why couldnt they have just sent him to a dietician I dont know!

Im taking him back this morning if I ever get through on the phone!

Rant over :)
Awe hun thats awful for you both. Babies are usually older as in over 1 when they start to grow out of things like that and thats if they grow out of it. My eldest was intolerant to cows milk so i took him to see a homeopath and they sorted it out for him. That might be worth thinking about. :hug: :hug:
:( Poor James.

Definately take him back to the doctors. If you phone the SMA helpline the guide price for SMA LF is something like £8 so only 50p more than SMA Gold/SMA White. If you make an arrangement with your local pharmacy they may be able to order you in some if the doctor won't prescribe it. :hug:
Dont tale any crap Sarah. Tell them you NEED that milk for James and you want a prescription NOW. Youve got enough on your plate atm without a poorly baby again!
Oh hun :hug: :hug: :hug: to you and James. Hope you get this sorted and fast! :hug:
That's ridiculous, a small baby won't just grow out of a lactose intolerance in a few weeks! Definitely take him back, if your GP tries to fob you off then say you want a second opinion from a dietician.
Jade&Evie said:
:( Poor James.

Definately take him back to the doctors. If you phone the SMA helpline the guide price for SMA LF is something like £8 so only 50p more than SMA Gold/SMA White. If you make an arrangement with your local pharmacy they may be able to order you in some if the doctor won't prescribe it. :hug:

Ditto to this. If you can't get it from your GP then try seeing if you can get it via the minor ailments scheme at your pharmacy - you shouldn't have to pay for it. I can't stand this sort of thing - they seem to think that a few weeks on that sort of thing are a "cure" (was the same for us and 2 weeks on infant gaviscon). I'm annoyed on your behalf!
aaaarw poor James, I hope the docs prescribe it for him for u hun :hug: :hug:
I had to buy a tin of SMA LF when LO had diarrhoea, and it definitely is way more expensive than regular SMA, it was almost the same price for half the tin size.
I wonder if the GP would be willing to prescribe Wysoy instead of SMA LF? The price of Wysoy is not much different from SMA Gold. However, I have been told that as Wysoy is soya-based, it does taste different from the LF/Gold.
God I am so annoyed ~ Rant coming up! ~

It was decided a while ago now that James was Lactose Intollerant. Docs had been prescribing SMA LF. The change in James was amazing. Before he was dropping down the centiles for his weight where he was so poorly but since having the milk he has picked right back up again and I had him weighed last week when he was 15wks and he weighed a lovely 14lb 2 oz :)

Anyway, because the docs said the milk is so expensive they would only prescribe it to him for 5weeks the3n I was to try the old milk again as they thought he'd be fine. Ive been putting it off now for 2 weeks but over the past few days Ive slowly introduced it and guess what.....yup he is so goddam poorly!!!! The explosive poohs are back, the tummy rumbling, the pain, the crying the wind :( Ive poisoned him. I feel like the docs made me use him like some guinea pig :evil: why couldnt they have just sent him to a dietician I dont know!

Im taking him back this morning if I ever get through on the phone!

Rant over :)
Awe hun thats awful for you both. Babies are usually older as in over 1 when they start to grow out of things like that and thats if they grow out of it. My eldest was intolerant to cows milk so i took him to see a homeopath and they sorted it out for him. That might be worth thinking about. :hug: :hug:
:( Poor James.

Definately take him back to the doctors. If you phone the SMA helpline the guide price for SMA LF is something like £8 so only 50p more than SMA Gold/SMA White. If you make an arrangement with your local pharmacy they may be able to order you in some if the doctor won't prescribe it. :hug:
Dont tale any crap Sarah. Tell them you NEED that milk for James and you want a prescription NOW. Youve got enough on your plate atm without a poorly baby again!
Oh hun :hug: :hug: :hug: to you and James. Hope you get this sorted and fast! :hug:
That's ridiculous, a small baby won't just grow out of a lactose intolerance in a few weeks! Definitely take him back, if your GP tries to fob you off then say you want a second opinion from a dietician.
Jade&Evie said:
:( Poor James.

Definately take him back to the doctors. If you phone the SMA helpline the guide price for SMA LF is something like £8 so only 50p more than SMA Gold/SMA White. If you make an arrangement with your local pharmacy they may be able to order you in some if the doctor won't prescribe it. :hug:

Ditto to this. If you can't get it from your GP then try seeing if you can get it via the minor ailments scheme at your pharmacy - you shouldn't have to pay for it. I can't stand this sort of thing - they seem to think that a few weeks on that sort of thing are a "cure" (was the same for us and 2 weeks on infant gaviscon). I'm annoyed on your behalf!
aaaarw poor James, I hope the docs prescribe it for him for u hun :hug: :hug:
I had to buy a tin of SMA LF when LO had diarrhoea, and it definitely is way more expensive than regular SMA, it was almost the same price for half the tin size.
I wonder if the GP would be willing to prescribe Wysoy instead of SMA LF? The price of Wysoy is not much different from SMA Gold. However, I have been told that as Wysoy is soya-based, it does taste different from the LF/Gold.
Well ladies Im back and really annoyed. They are giving it to him for another month and then I have to try him AGAIN! I told her I didnt see the point and why not just refer him anyway and she said no doctor will refer him until we have tried at least a couple of times. She thinks its temporary you see. I told her Im fed up with making him poorly and she said well try again and see. Well Im not trying again :shakehead: She said to giver her a call and let us know how it goes and if he is poorly after the second try then she will refer him. She'll be getting a call but Im not giving him the other milk, she wont know that.

I tried James on Wysoy and he hates it :?
Another option would be to try him without it and take him down to the hospital, bypass the GP completely. That's what I had to do with Evie and the paeds at the hospital prescribed three meds for her that my GP refused to :twisted:

Poor James :(

My HV did say that lactose intolerance can sometime be clear up and only true lactose intolerance will last longer than 6 months or so. Then again, given her track record, my HV is probably talking a load of shite. :roll:

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