Stomach Pains & Slimy Poo


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2007
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Oliver has had a bad stomach & abnormal poo's for over a month now. He started off with a stomach bug including diahorea and vomiting (which I also caught & several memebers of my family). This cleared up - but his stomach is still not right.

Every few soiled nappies is really slimy & smelly & makes Oliver really uncomfortable (he pumps his legs up and down before going & has become really itchy down there too).

He's been to the Dr's about 5 times now, had a course of antibiotics, had a stool sample analyised but results were clear.

I've gone back to a really bland diet to see if this helps - but no real change.

He used to 'go' about twice a day, and be clean through the night - but now he must soil his nappies approx 6 times a day (inc. 1 or 2 thru the night).

Any suggestions?

He goes back to the dr's next week... :(
awww poor little thing :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I have no advice really. He could still have the bug :think:

Have you changed his milk or anything like that?
Could be that the sickness bug has left him temporarily lactose intolerant... :think: Tia contracted Rota virus in hospital which is severe vomiting and diarrhea and that left her temporarily lactose intolerant... have you tried eliminating all lactose from his diet? Careful though lactose is in everything for babies :roll: It was really hard with Tia.
The antibiotics could have caused oral/digestive thrush?? Thrush can be present not just on the tongue but throughout the entire digestive system even down to a rash around their bum from their poo? When Sam had his really badly he had a dodgy tummy. (The antibiotics kill the good bacteria in the gut which can result in thrush).

Lisa xx

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