stomach pain..


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2007
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since about half 7 i've had lots of stomach pain :(

i don't usually have stomach pains, never really experienced any aches or pains during my pg except ligament pain, and this is defo not that.

i'm just wondering what it could be.. baby seems to be moving about ok and i've had no bleeding.

thanks girls.

sarah :hug:
maybe give nhs direct a ring hun you may have got a water infection
Hey, it's probably nothing - just stretching but it's worth giving your midwife a call and see what she says.
If it's causing you a lot of pain then go to a&e, it's better to get it checked
hope all is well xxxxxxx :hug:
thanks girls, i know it's more than likely nothing, i'm just a worrier.

i cant even think how to describe it, it's not cramping, kind of shooting pains now and again, then just a dull ache.
I've had the same tonight also it was quite bad was worrying alittle myself... have you been busy? i've done alot of cleaning and thought maybe was that lying in bed now and its gone and baby is kicking away :) xx
nah i haven't done a thing all day :oops:

i've maybe just eaten something dodgy..

i'll keep an eye on it, if it gets any worse will give m/w a call and ask advice.
Ive had these shooting pains before and yes i freaked out like a crazy women crying down the phone to my Mam
But it was just growning pains and baby continued to kick happily
The kicks ressured me that all was fine and that my body was just stretching to accomadate my Son.
Hope the pains have subsided for you
ive your midwife a call to reassure you if you our still concerned
i have on a few occations been almost doubled over with the sharpness of the pains.
But baby is bouncy healthy and very active :hug: :cheer:
Lol Sarah
it's still here, can't sleep :(

it's mostly in the left side of my stomach, constant pain now. also have a dull pain in my back :cry:
You've maybe pulled muscle in your groin area? If you are worried about it give your MW a call in the morning. Hope you manage to get some sleep xx
Hope the pain has gone now
how are you this morning?? :hug:
i ve had back pain too feels as though baby got his legs or bottom an is shoving himself into my spine.
if the pain is still there ring the miwife for advice
let us know how you our hon :hug:
Lol Sarah
Hope the pain went and left you to get some sleep hun xxx
well i'm off work today, my stomach still feels a bit sore.

i got to sleep at 3am, after taking some paracetemol. i phoned the m/w at the hospital for some advice and she said it could be another kidney infection :wall: fingers crossed it isn't :doh:

thanks for your help last night girls :hug:

OH - and i've moved up a baby today on my ticker!!!! :dance:

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