Stomach Bug


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2008
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Eugh, have caught a bug off my husband and haven't felt like eating for 2-3 days. All I've had today is a piece of toast, but I'm worried about baby (altho I've felt alot of movement this morning). I hope to see the midwife today, so will ask her - have my 20 week scan today.....
Aw hope you feel better soon. I came back from hols a few weeks back with a bad tummy bug, took a couple of weeks to get over it but baby is fine. Good luck with your scan today, you must be really excited x
Aww, I caught a stomach bug off my son a couple of weeks ago and spent all day throwing up. I felt like I was back in 1st tri again! I couldn't eat all day but baby was fine. My only advice is to make sure you take it easy because you could feel light headed without food and you don't want to faint.

Good luck with your scan today! Are you going to find out the sex?
Aww sorry your feeling poorly, hope you have a lovely scan!! x
just make sure you drink loads
good luck with your scan today
sorry to hear your not feeling well. Don't worry about your LO, they will be fine, it won't affect them. I had a horrible bug back in march, sickness and diarrehoa (not sure of the spelling!) and it didn't affect my baby at all. Just make sure you drink plenty of water and eat little bits of dry food when you can. Good luck with your scan, hope all goes well. Get well soon! :hug:

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