Stinky ebay people


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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I bought a Premaxx sling from someone on ebay earlier this week. It says new and got it for £9.75 including postage so was very happy with that as they see to be going for more.

Anyway, got it this morning and it STINKS of fags :puke: . It looks new and unused but I got it out the envelope and literally couldn't have it in the house as it smelt that bad. I've washed it now and put it on the line and it smells fine but aren't people gross.

He's got 0 feedback so thought I might send an email telling him he smells BAD :think: .

Would you leave neutral or no feedback? I don't think it deserves negative as it didn't state on advert from smoke free home but it was very very stinky but that could be because I'm a non smoker (obviously :doh: ).
Personally i'd leave neutral. You expect something brand new to be completely clean. If it stinks of fags then that's not clean. You wouldn't want your kids face near it would you. Could've at least washed it first!
LisaJ1986 said:
Personally i'd leave neutral. You expect something brand new to be completely clean. If it stinks of fags then that's not clean. You wouldn't want your kids face near it would you. Could've at least washed it first!

I agree...

Surely you can notice stuff like that :x
I would complain to him first to see if hes going to give you any money back and then think about the feedback from his response.
This happened to me once, i left them possitive but wrote on the feedback i wasnt happy about the smell and i also felt the listing had been misleading (for other reason to the smell)

But that was back when they could leave you negative too now they cant so i would say neutral is fine, i've had two things now come in new but smelling SO bad! It's not on really
I bought a childs top once that smelt really strongly of aftershave :shock: I left positive as it was clean and as described, but I did drop them a note to let them know for future items.

I guess it depends on you really, I would probably leave a neutral cos smoke is not a good thing to have around child's items.
I left neutrel for 2 nappies I bought brand new that stunk of fags, also told them they were minging :x
Thats vile! I hate the stench of fags :puke:

I don't think smokers notice that they reek though, do they :think:
If I'm not happy with something I usually don't leave feedback (unless it's REALLY bad) and just send a message or nothing at all.

I bought a bump band on there the other day and was a bit disappointed when it came through and realised it was one they got FREE with a magazine. I just haven't left feedback for it.
Urchin said:
I bought a childs top once that smelt really strongly of aftershave :shock: I left positive as it was clean and as described, but I did drop them a note to let them know for future items.

I guess it depends on you really, I would probably leave a neutral cos smoke is not a good thing to have around child's items.

I would maybe do that, they might not realise it was so smoke smelling and could be really embarrased if you put it on publicly.

If you get a cheeky reply then by all means go for the neutral or negative.
I would leave positive if your happy with the product, but id put the smell of fags was overpowering.

I think its bad enough getting stuff that stinks of smoke, but baby stuff, thats just wrong :x

I got a book that smelt of fags, I couldnt get rid of the smell so ended up didtching it;.
This happened to us with an outfit we bought for Brody. We are too soft though and just left positive :oops: Should really have sent a message at least!

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