still none the wiser

roxane 1985

Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2011
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well i go to antenatal clinic to discuss if im having c-section or not,i explain what has happened to doc who says yes i will need one and planned to book me in 2 days after due date, she then goes see registrar who says no he wants a vaginal delivery.

i then voice my concerns and explain all to him, he agrees to a blood test and says if im immune i will hav a vaginal delivery, but if im not immune or go intolabour before bloods come back then im to have a c-section

so gotta wait till monday now to see if my bloods are back grrrr
no they havent but i kept telling them that i would feel more comfortable having the c-section, so thats when they agreed to check my immune system
what is it you hoping with your bloods? Shame that they have said yes then no and conflict stuff xxx
im hoping to find that ive built up antibodies against genital herpes as i had and out break at 36 +2 , and everyone says if u have ur first out break in ast 6 weeks of preg your meant to have a c-sction as it can be passed over to baby.
theyve told me, if i go into labour or my waters break before inext see them im to go straight down for a c-section

if they dont and my bloods come back inconclusive or low then they will book me in for a c-section (though its been left a bit late for my liking)

if nothing happens and my bloods come back saying im immune then they will go ahead with a vaginal delivery.

so ive some answers i just feel everything is beingleft till the last min and is all getting rushed
It does seem very Maybe ask if they can rush ur bloods so u can prepare yourself for whichever outcome x
at this bloody rate i'll give myself a c-section, got some needle and thred for the stitches and a big bottle of bells for the pain lol.

thankfully got to see my midwife at 3.10 for my check up and to discuss what happened at hospital yesterday so will see what she says
whats the point of waiting till after your due date to give you a c section!!!! thought theyd give you one before to make sure you didnt go into labour naturally xx big hugs xx
right ok here is what she said

at this point in time im having a c-section but a date has not been booked,basically if my waters go or i go into labour before any results are back ive to have one.

if results come back are ive no immunity or i do but its low im to have a c-section

if ive immunity but active lesions im to have a section

if ive immunity and not active lesions its a vaginal delivery

the reason they are looking at booking it after my due date is to try and get my body to build up the antibodies and fight everything off naturally, but if i go into labour after i get my results and before the date of a section and decision will be made thre and then
its because its a boy isnt it lmao, men nothing but trouble even before they are born

trying to think of a way to punish him, may give him a bowl cut on his first day of secondry school lol
or i may call him herbie, either way im going to get him back

ooo iknow i shall grow his hair take a pic of him in a dress and pigtails then have a large print made for his 18th birthday lol

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