STILL no movement :o(


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2008
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Is anyone else still waiting for their LO to kick them??

Ive felt a few "pops" but nothing I can deffo say was the baby!! Im 22 weeks on monday and starting to panic :cry:

All my buddies (all carrying boys) have felt kicks and my mate at work, a week ahead of me, can even feel her boy from outside her tummy!! Im so jealous!!

I remember feeling like this. I only started feeling proper kicks about 23 weeks (felt the odd one around 21 weeks) Once you recognise them you will feel so much more relaxed.

Claire x
I only had pops till abotu 22 weeks and it was frustrating, it will happen all at once, suddenly you will feel loads, just sit down in some peace and quiet have a cold drink and just sit and see if bubs moves, that what i do lol
it will happen hun dont worry it may be shes kicking away at the placenta thats why you wont feel it so much, soon enough you will be wishing she'd lay off for 5 mins :hug:
I've only just really started to get proper movements and this is my 2nd :hug: :hug: :hug:
I've been feeling him from around 15 weeks but only recently been getting proper kicks!
is this your first baby?
i didnt feel my LO till i was over 20 weeks and then i had her legs litteraly pushin out of me lol
with your second you tend to feel it earlier.
You will feel movement soon :hug:
You will start to any day now, if your worried you can always talk to MW. Mine said to me that they have quite a lot of muscle etc to get through before you can actually feel them kicking, and they only have little legs.

I would try and lay on your side and perhaps put some soothing music on and take deep relaxing breaths and see if that works.

By, the way, I am due on the 22nd March!! Mothers Day!!!
you probably have better tummy muscles than your friend :wink:
with my son I felt nothing till after 21 weeks, dont worry you will feel movement soon :hug:
Know this is not much consolation but have had the opposite and would advise making the most of your zzzz's whilst you can! Will happen overnight just you wait.... :)
awwwww hun im the same !! few pops nothing more, i think we both must just have lazy/chilled out babies!!!!
have you got an anterior placenta? Some women who have this find they feel little movement.

If not i am sure your baby will show you who is boss soon and believe me there will be a time later on when you might just wish she would sit still...or kindly remove her foot from your ribs!

My baby has days where it wriggles all the time and then quiet days where it barely moves at all - he/she has also taken to giving me almighty kicks near my belly button when i am least expecting it and it makes me shout out in shock!
Hi there,

I ve been feeling subtle movements since about 19 wks, I am 21 wks now.
Just mild popping feelings very low down in the pelvis/groin area.Is it normal that they are all this low?
When did you all start to feel stronger movement or movements higher up in the stomach
Does anyone know if there is any measure as to how often you should feel movements at this stage?


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