Nearly 22 weeks, still no movements


Apr 2, 2006
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Hi all

I'm new to the site and looking for advice! I'm 22 weeks on Tuesday, and to my knowledge haven't felt any movement yet. All was fine at my 20 wk scan, but starting to get worried - friend at work is 29 weeks now and keeps asking - getting tempted to say yes to avoid the worried looks!!

Hubby works away a lot of the time, so I'm a bit lost for someone to talk to - ringing my mum would put her into panic overdrive (first grandchild lol!!).
is it your first pregnancy? i didnt feel my daughter kick untill 2days before i was 23weeks. with my second i felt movement alot sooner (14weeks) but i think alot of it is to do with no knowing what to look out for.. as with my daughter when i first finaly felt her move at 22weeks it was a big boot in the belly lol..
but at 14weeks it was like lil butterflies..
it is hard to no, i went to the hospital at 21weeks saying iv never felt baby move they listened to heart beat said well every thing seems fine...
and said it could be the placenta and stuff is all infront of baby and baby is just well cushoined in there... also i no the bigger the woman in size the longer it takes to feel baby move?? (no offence iv never seen u lol)

but the hospital told me nothing to worry about untill at least 25weeks :angel:
I first felt 'bubbles' at about 16 weeks at took it that it was my LO moving and it wasn't until I was about 19/20 weeks before I really felt him move.

Everyone feels things at different stages so try and not worry too much. You've probably felt him/her move but haven't noticed it or known what it is. It can feel alot like wind shifting about to begin with! or a similar feeling to when you get butterflies.

We're all here to chat whenever you need someone (Welcome to the forum by the way!! :lol: )

Nicki. :D
Hi There,

I have only just started to feel movements.. very much like "popping" bubbles under the skin.. very weird - I started to notice it last week at 20 wks exactly.. just light bubble sensation.. but now I feel her every night when I am in bed still and quiet.. light movement under the skin.

You probably are feeling LO move but as our stomach's make some weird noises and gassy sensations its hard to distinguish between that and LO moving!!

soon enough you will feel the kicks!!

Try eating chocolate or drinking cold cold water then lie down and see if you notice anything!! :wink:
Thanks all - nice to have other people who understand!! Maybe I just need to actually chill out and lie still during the evening instead of rushing around - might feel a bit more then!! :roll:

I didnt feel Kiara move till about where4 your at now. be patient you probably feel it and dont realize it.

I was also worried about lack of movements I was about 23/24 weeks and then it was ever so slight around the 29 week mark they got a bit stronger.

Some people feel them strongly my friend is 8 weeks behind me and she has very stong movements from 20 weeks, even now she has stronger movements then me.

Check with your midwife on the next appointment mine was writing fetal movement observed when she checked me and I didnt even know it had moved :shock: :oops:

Take care I also found sweet things made our bundle move.

Sarah x
i first felt my bump move at nite when i relaxed in bed! i didn't know it was the baby... i was about 17 weeks... it felt like a twitch! similar to getting a twitch in your eye but it was under my chest. I thought it was a trapped nerve.. it wasn't until about 19 weeks may be 20 that i felt a real movement.... it started happening when i relaxed, then when i drove.... i read some where that when we relax we take deeper breaths... this helps the baby relax and it starts to move about.... also after you eat... don't worry he/she will start moving soon... everyone is different! maybe your baby is really peaceful... a happy content baby!


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