still no kicks for me :(


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2007
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had a few suspicions of kicks but that was about 10days ago and nothing since...i know this is my first baby but i still seemto be late with getting these and im extra worried as i know my placenta is at the back...i know i did a poll the other day and lots of girls didnt get kicks til late but im just miffed i thought i did feel something and now nothing... hope all is ok, sorry to moan, i have a scan friday so will find out then i guess, just hope friday the 13th isnt a bad omen for me :(
Don't worry hun, I'm sure everything is fine. Every pregnancy is different and you could just be one that feels everything a bit later than others. Maybe phone your M/W for some reasurance? :hug:
i was 22 weeks with my first hun dont worry
i didnt feel "actual" kicks until i was about 24 weeks so i wouldnt worry... before then its more like the "popping" or fluttering in my belly :) maybe its just doing it backwards so you dont feel it as much?
thanx girls i didnt think it could be doing it backwards... i will try not to call the mw if poss as i have a scan on friday and i know theres not much that can be done inbetween...i dont really want to get the dopller out as last time it took me ages to find the hb and made me rather stressed!! i think i could do without that with another 4 days to go. i know its still early but im really looking forward to getting daily reassurance xx
Aw hun, sorry to hear you're stressing :hug: I'm in the same boat longing to feel something that I know for sure is baby. Also felt some flutterings and pops a few weeks ago but nothing I can definitely pinpoint as being little one. Can't wait to feel a proper poke! :) I'm sure we'll know about it soon enough!
I'm so glad I bought my doppler as I'd be going crazy with worry as feels like so long since my 12 week scan! Fab that you've got your scan on Friday, good luck for it and I'm sure LO will be wriggling away just fine in there!
Iv got midwife friday 13th !! cant be bad for all of us eh, loads of old codswallop i reckon your just having a lazy baby :p
I know its hard not too worry especially when you felt something from em a little while ago but there are allsorts of readons why theyre not giving you a good kicking, i hope they get going soon for ya :)
Have a great scan on friday and make sure we get the pics :p :cheer:
Try not to panic too much until your scan, I was late feeling DS cant remember exactly as its so long ago but I have a feeling it was about 6-7 months in.
Try not too stress to much hun. I've still not felt any kicks, just tiny wee flutterings in my tummy.

I spoke to my friend last night who is 28 wks pregnant with her first & she never felt a kick until 24 wks. Thats reassured me a little. If I could I'd have a scan every week! :hug:
i want a scan every week too!!, i had 4 up to 12weeeks so iv been good holding off...its just hard as i dont ever feel pregnant so im always wondering if its all in my head!!
hurry on friday :wall:
please dont worry about no kicking, i have only just started to feel my baby boy in the last couple of days
xx :hug:
:) thankyou, hopefully itll start for me soon xx
Hi, try not to worry i didnt really feel stonger movement until early 20 weeks. Although i did feel some smaller things before just not at regular times.
All i'll say is get the rest then while you can cos when it does start moving and kicking stronger be prepared for the sleepness nights!! :roll: :lol: (All good fun though!)
A couple of things you could try to see if you can get kicks:

Lying on your back
Very cold drink
Quick/large intake of sugar

If they are very small kicks try lying on your back with the very lightest remote control balancing on your tummy and wait for the kicks!! :cheer:
although felt a few 'pop's last week, i have felt nothing since and havent even felt her kick yet - after having my scan last night, i noticed she was a right little wriggler so not too worried!!!
thanx guys :)
iv just had an icecream so cold and sugary!! hopefully thatll get the little one going!! :rotfl:
If you still feel comfortabel lying on your stomach you could try doing that after sugar or something cold. I used to do this before i got to big and when her kicks were very light, i could really feel them when on my tummy.
i think i felt some kicks about an hour ago

id describe then as 'slow pokes' like being flicked in slow motion.. but a definate push, it was on the right on my belly button about 2 inches below, im sure it cant be gas or anything it was too it haapened over about 40secs 4 or 5 times, im excited as im hoping this was it for 19weeks today xxx

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