Still hurts


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2011
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I've taken to not going to our local too often now because the questions still pop up. I went on bonfire night and when going to the toilet overheard one of the locals saying 'isn't she pregnant?' to a harsh shush from his wife. I know he didn't mean any harm, no-one had told him that we lost it, but it smarted quite a bit. Had another woman after that, lovely lady and again meaning well asking how I was doing after it all. I know they all mean well and none of it was done to be nasty but it still hurts, I don't like going there so much now because it gets brought up and I can't explain it to a whole club/pub.
The hospital said my due date would have been February 10th so I'm not looking forward to that either. I want to avoid people on that day as much as possible but then it'll be questions galore as to why I'm upset all day.
I miss my Angel Baby :-(
i'm so sorry hun, i have had a few moments like that a guy at work who i hadnt seen since i was pregnant came up to me and said'' ooo your not showing are you'' i was devasted but its not his fault.

I have been crying this morning listening to ed sheerans song little bump about a MC his mate had, i proper bawled my eyes out plus the witch came yesterday so i think i needed it!

Big huns hun, let it out if you need to xxxx
Sorry to hear it still hurts hun, this time will pass and soon everyone will know and hopefully not talk to you about it.

It's like you want to put a sign around your neck, so people will read it then not ask the questions. Something like "had MC, I'm fine, I'm coping but please don't talk to me about it"
It really is tempting to walk around with a sign. I figured they may have gotten that I didn't want to talk about it due to the fact I stopped going there for so long just to avoid the questioning but I guess not. :(
Luckily very few people know about our losses. Well number one all of our families knew about but number 2 and 3 we had kept very quiet.

I am glad we did, it at least take off the pressure of wondering what 'other people think'

It will always hurt a little bit Mrs Draven, the only upsdie is that int ime it starts to hurt a little less.

Had I not miscarried back in May I would have been due on 4th Jan. I am going to get pi55ed on that day :shock:

This part of the forum is fab - and we all understand each other - so yell if you need anything

Had I not miscarried back in May I would have been due on 4th Jan. I am going to get pi55ed on that day :shock:

Yep I'm the same, I would have been due 27th January for the first one, I know I will be drinking that day lol
Had I not miscarried back in May I would have been due on 4th Jan. I am going to get pi55ed on that day :shock:

Yep I'm the same, I would have been due 27th January for the first one, I know I will be drinking that day lol

It doesn't help that I have one friend due a little boy on 28th Dec and another friend due a gender unknown on 31st Dec.

Talk about rubbing my face in it. I so hope neither of them have their baby on 4th Jan :shock:
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:( It sucks, it's getting a little easier but not quite yet. I would have been due on 10th of February, I don't drink but I did intend celebrating my LO's 'birthday' on that day somehow.
I'd be due jan 30th, 2 people at work due that day, wine will be had! Quite a few friends know about the mc, I've been quite open about it but I will keep it all much quieter if I get pregnant again. :hug: mrs draven xx
this is exactly why next time, i wont be telling anyone until i am 25 weeks x

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