still going through this miscarriage! Advice needed?!

Nicole mummy

Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2012
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Hello all I am still going through this miscarriage! Can anyone give me any advice please because it feels like it should be getting better not worse. I am on my 16th day of bleeding now which has been the heaviest so far and no slowing down. I don't feel well in myself either and the pain again 16th day of pain is still the same, in fact it woke me up at 4am last night and I ended up coming down for a cup if tea and pain killers. All the doctor has bothered to do is blood test which my levels are dropping but still at 24 I believe? I don't know really what this means really but the nurse said it needed to drop more? Feeling fed up and achy. All my hips and pelvis feels sore, I have bad cramps. When will this start to improve x
Hi Nicole, I'm sorry you have lost your baby, I would ring your EPU and explain bleeding and pain, tell them you are concerned and could you get a scan to check things. I'm not sure how long a natural miscarriage lasts as I've had 2 MMC's so had surgical management so only spotting. Take care x
Hey Nicole,
Hopefully things will start easing up for you soon. When I had mine, the bleeding eased up fairly quickly after I passed the sac/placenta. But it was horendous before that. Do you know if youve passed the sac yet?
I was very early I should only be 6 + weeks now so I don't know if I will have anything to pass? I would imagine not, I never expected it to be this painful. My ectopic which burst was not this painful back in 2009. I also haemorrhaged in January after having treatment for high grade precancerous cells removed and treated on my cervix. Again not as painful as this. X
I'd go back to the doctors or call the EPU. It seems like a very long time to be bleeding. Good luck and so sorry for your loss :-(
Sorry you're going through this. I was around 6-7 weeks with one of my miscarriages and still passed a very obvious sac, if you haven't noticed it yet then I think it is probably still there and that's why the bleeding isn't easing. As soon as mine passed on both of my natural miscarriages, the bleeding started to ease. I would call epu or get the dr to refer you to them for a scan to get an idea of whats going on. xx
The only thing I passed was a small clot on Friday night but the bleeding has been worse over the weekend. I'm just not sure how long you should bleed and have pain for? My doctor is useless and only interested in seeing my blood results not actually spoke to me face to face since day 1 of the bleeding. My belly is even swollen? Is this all normal symptoms? X
I think you should definitely get checked out. If your doctor has not been much help maybe EPU would be better as they have more experience with this kind of thing.

Do they plan to give you more blood tests? I think they definitely need to check your levels get back to 0

You would see a sack at 6-7 weeks but it seems like your baby stopped growing quite a while ago so you may well not see anything depending on exactly when your loss actually was. A week makes a huge difference in the early days. My chemical pregnancy was earlier and was like a normal period with a few clots. From what I have read after an early loss at about 5-6 weeks you will get something like a very heavy painful period with clots. Some women get bleading for longer than others and some find it more painful than others but 16 days does sound like quite a long time. I know later 1st trimester losses can take a long time as sometimes the body has trouble letting go of the pregnancy but I thought earlier on it was usually quicker.

So sorry for what you are going through. Hugs.
Thank you for all your comments it has really helped. I had my 3rd blood test Friday and awaiting my results, I think they are planning more blood test as pregnancy strips are showing a faint positive still. I don't know about anyone else but because everyone I've dealt with because the pregnancy was so early has not really been concerned at all even though I have been in pain for over 2 weeks now. Given my previous history I would have though I would have been under observation a little more, I even had once nurse who took my blood after finding out I already have 4 boys make a comment that maybe this was a blessing in disguise which I replied telling her what a rude comment to make. I feel every phone call I've made or most staff I've seen seem to be put out or made me feel like I'm over reacting. I think I'm going to try the EPU tomorrow if I don't feel any better. X
Thats a shocking thing to say! I'm glad you told her it was rude. I keep getting comments about how I'm pregnant "too soon" as LO is only 1. If they feel the need to give a professional opinion about any possible diffuculties it might cause fine, but keep your personal comments to yourself! I just smile blandly and don't say anything. It's okay for me because the pregnancy is going well and we know we want the baby, infact it was very much planned. If someone said something like that to me when I was having a MC I'd probably explode on them. I guess people just don't think sometimes.

I think it's a good idea to go to EPU. At least you will get an opinion from someone else.
Hi Nicole,
Are things any better for you today? Ugh, it must be so frustrating having your doctor brush you off like that. 16 days of bleeding does sound a little long, my midwife told me to expect up to 14 days of bleeding but every one is different. I think its a good idea soon to go into the EPU to get checked. Keep us updated, hope its over soon!
Hope you are feeling better, or getting some more attention at least. Hugs
So sorry for your loss hun. I'm on day 4 after losing the baby and finding it so hard that I've got this constant reminder of what's happened - you can't even forget for a minute as you're still in so much pain and bleeding. Thinking of you xx

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