Still cramping - is this normal?


Dec 19, 2017
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Hi all. I had my missed miscarriage confirmed on 23rd Feb and booked in for a d&c on 27th. On 24th I started miscarryibg naturally so the d&c was cancelled. I thought the pain and clots would only last a few days but it was over a week. Since then I’ve continued bleeding - some days very little and other days I get severe cramp and very heavy bleeding for a couple of hours. It will be 3 weeks this weekend and I’ve been told to take a pregnancy test then to check it’s negative. This morning I’ve got severe cramps and I’ve passed a small clot again. I’m feeling sick, have taken painkiller and an sat with a hot water bottle. I’m fed up of how long the physical effects and pain are contuining for. Mentally I’m doing ok, but mornings like this I feel very emotional and I’m worried this isn’t normal. Should I still be getting pain and some days of heavy bleeding?
Unfortunately till its all passed you can still cramp and bleed in varying amounts. Are you in touch with an early pregnancy unit? Have they got a plan for you if the tests remain positive?
Sounds so horrible I'm sorry for what you're going through
I think pinkz's right you'll probably cramp until everything has passed .
How are you feeling now?
It's probably all normal but for peace Of mind, at a time that's so hard both physically and mentally, keep going to the EPU or your doctors for check ups etc.
Hope you feel better soon x
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