Steam or Microwave???


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2007
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Which is more practical... microwave or steam bottle steriliser.... The price difference is quite steep, microwave ones being cheaper... I seem to remember having a microwave version when I had Tia, but that the bog standard milton liquid sterilisers were far more practical... but they don't seem to exist any more (Geez I fee old :shock: )... I've never used a steam... so I was wondering which one was more practical.... no doubt 8 years has done alot to change sterilisers.

i cant really comment on steam sterilisers, but i have a microwave steriliser and all i do put 1/2 pint water in then the bottles on top, theen put it in the micro for 8 minutes and thats it. It can also be used as a cold water steriliser too.
Plus a few month ago there was a study showing that microwaving removes 99.9% of germs. :D
i only have a microwave one to but its good and so much cheaper, but when i visit my nan i have to either take enough bottles or sterelise by boiling in a saucepan asn she has no microwave :oops:
I have a microwave one and even my mom has commented on how quick it is. I've got the Avent one, and it's actually on offer in Asda at the moment too. Put the stuff in, 7oz water at the bottom, then stick in for 4 mins. All done :)

I've nothing to compare against but it's great :)
I voted Mircowave

I've had both and steam is much more work as you have to descale it every 4-6 weeks where the mircowave one you can just wash up or put in the dishwasher :D
Nic'n'Keeley said:
I've had both and steam is much more work as you have to descale it every 4-6 weeks where the mircowave one you can just wash up or put in the dishwasher :D

Do you??!?!?! :oops:

Eeek - how do I do this?!

I have steam as we don't have a microwave.

I voted steam but I have nothing to compare it against. I just find it so easy to use. I don't descale as often as it says. Probally every 3 months or so but its easy enough to do.
I bought a microwave one which can also be used as a cold water steriliser which is what I use it as now rather than in the microwave as the solution lasts for 24 hours so I can leave them to soak
When i got my steam sterliser i got packets of descaler with it :?

I think you can buy it in boots

If i remember properly you have to wash the base out with water then put the descaler in and switch the sterliser on...

I could be wrong tho but it should tell you how to do it on the packet or in the intsructions to your sterliser :)
Oh dear.... Definately not steam then... We live in a really hard water area, most of our water is from a desalination plant. I would have to descale the steam one every week!!! :shock:
you can buy milton cold water ones, just like a bucket with a lid on.

but tomme tippe microwave ones double as a cold water one, i use this one normally as a cold water one, but also when i need some thing quick i can put it in microwave.

but when this baby arrives were going to be using our dishwasher, as my partner brought me a new one and its a special baby bottle setting, so it cleans and sterilises in one go :dance:
paradysso said:
but when this baby arrives were going to be using our dishwasher, as my partner brought me a new one and its a special baby bottle setting, so it cleans and sterilises in one go :dance:

ohhhh... get you :lol:
Do you??!?!?!

Eeek - how do I do this?!

I have steam as we don't have a microwave

biy some descaler and follow instructions....we got ours from wilko's it is called oust all purpose descaler..but mothercare i know sell it and prolly lots more...I just tell hubby to do it and he does so assume it is straight forward :rotfl:
we got steam cause we both didnt like the thought of our daughter having microwave boots one cause it was on offer at the time and better deal with stuff.

we got a dishwasher already just need a place. my bfs mum and dad got one when his dad was working but hes retired now so they dont need it and their giving it to us
You can buy dishwashers that clean and sterilise ???????????? :shock:
Going to buy descaler tomorrow :oops: Have been using mine for about 3 months, so should be more than due a descale...shucks!!

I voted steam as I love my steam steriliser (just not enough to read the instruction manual :rotfl: )
yeah some have whats called a baby cycle, it uses only the top rack and washes the bottles at 80 degrees, but soon as its finished you have to put in the forumula and put it in the fridge.

mine come with bottle racks in baby blue and pink which is very cute lol

this is the one we have... ... arranties=

hmmm dont know why the link is soooo long, hope it works
I loved my microwave one, we have a smallish kitchen and it was a life saver as I just stored it in the microwave all the time :) I think the microwave ones are faster too?
My mircowave one used to only take 6 minutes where as my steam one took 12 i think :think:

But the longer i had it the longer it took :roll:

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