Starting weaning Ruby tomorrow

Rubys mummy

Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2006
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I am so excited!!! I was dreading it at first as I wasnt sure I would know she was ready etc but the past few weeks, she is feeding every 2 hours, needs topping up and is watching every single thing we eat and drink!!

OH is off for a long weekend so we are going to start tomorrow, got organic baby rice to start, then I am making some veg and fruit purrees to try after a few days. I cant wait to see what she does!!

She is very independent, pushes your hands away from her bottle when you feed her, likes to hold it herself :roll: (we support it underneath so she cant see our hands-she thinks she is holding it and is so clever :wink: ) so in a few weeks once she is used to the purees, going to try baby led weaning as I am sure she will love feeding herself :cheer: :cheer: I shall have the camera on standby all the time (cant you tell I am a first time mummy :rotfl: )
Enjoy! :D I love feeding my Kate, she loves her grub so it gives me loads of satisfaction to see her wolfing stuff down that I have made her. I cant recommend the 'Annabel Karmal' book highly enough, its got some great recipes that are quite easy to make - I have yet to encounter anything that Kate doesnt like !
I thought the idea of baby led weaning is that you don't give them any purees at all. I started with purees and baby rice etc before I read about BLW, so it was too late. I wish I had followed BLW.
Nicky_Jones said:
I thought the idea of baby led weaning is that you don't give them any purees at all. I started with purees and baby rice etc before I read about BLW, so it was too late. I wish I had followed BLW.

Oh poo, I thought I would try the purees to get her used to textures for a few weeks, then the BLW. Off to investigate further!!! xx
good luck i can't wait to start luke on it im so excited, he's not ready yet though. let us know how you get on. :clap:
I am frantically searching for advice now on BLW, Nicky has got me wondering now....I have made purees today and froze them, was going to try them and rice for a few weeks first, but now I am wondering if I have to start with finger foods straight away with BLW?? She is 5 months old on saturday and I am worried she will choke with figer foods :think: ANYONE HELP??????????????????????????
Rubys mummy said:
I am frantically searching for advice now on BLW, Nicky has got me wondering now....I have made purees today and froze them, was going to try them and rice for a few weeks first, but now I am wondering if I have to start with finger foods straight away with BLW?? She is 5 months old on saturday and I am worried she will choke with figer foods :think: ANYONE HELP??????????????????????????

Do you have an email address? I can send you the information about BLW that Skatty sent me a while back
Awww thanks Puddles, have PMd you my email addy. Thanks xxxxx
It was so much fun!! Gave her 4oz of formula first then sat her in her bumbo...mixed a teaspoon ofbaby rice witha tablespoon of formula and fed it to her. She looked puzzled at first, then she started opening her mouth for more!!! She was swallowing and really loving it!! We were so thrilled, OH videod the whole thing. She ate the whole lot, then crashed out and slept for an hour!!

I am so pleased, goin to try some baby rice in morning and carrot in the afternoon :cheer:

Thanks for asking Sam :hug: :hug:
Heres the vid from this morning...Please excuse my PJ bottoms,I know I look a state!! Oh and mine and OH silly voices-we were so excited!!!

Got a new phone yesterday and OH hadnt used it before, so the screen turns the wrong way half way through!!! :roll:

Its a few minutes long so bear with us!! (Cant you tell we are first time parents :oops: )

Awww bless her. Looks like she is enjoying it.

Weaning is very exciting but also very daunting. Enjoy :D
well done that looks great fun and she took to it really well.

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