starting to dread going to sleep


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2008
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i so dread going to sleep these days. its so uncomfortable and it hurts. i can really feel the weight in my belly now. i have to prop myself up in bed to get comfy so i sleep half sat up now and its the only way i can turn over easily. i can't lie on my side that easily anymore as it doesn't feel that good and i find myself constantly checking babys position so i don't lie on him or push on him. its just so awkward and then getting up every few hours for a wee :x

i just want a normal good nights sleep :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:
but i know thats not going to be happening for a long long time now :(
i suppose its a good way of our bodies preparing us for never having a good nights sleep ever again :lol:

oh well i better go and try to sleep. i'll get comfy and then i'll need a wee :(
I'm having the same problem etc, mine is not discomfort i just go to bed, get up for a weeble and then can't bloody well get back off.

I think its mainly because im so used to sleeping on my tummy and miss that so badly...

Looking at your ticker its not too much longer to go, could when you wake up maybe busy urself doing something? Knitting, a bit of ironing watching some telly or reading a good book, that way at least your getting up for something... I've just popped the washing on and tidyed the kitchen lmao!! Not saying that will stop the sleeplessness but it takes my mind over being up otherwise i get frustrated...

Either way hopefully by now u have popped back off to lala land or at least are a bit more comfy

i know exactly how you feel! i only went to bed at about 11.30pm & ive now been up since 4am :( ive been trying to keep myself busy during the day so im tired in the evening but its not working..... im actually now looking forward to doing my night shifts at work for the next fortnight now as im usually cream crackered after them so maybe THEN ill get some sleep....
yep me too!

I keep having these dreams that are really 'real' and it wakes me up and they play on my mind. This morning is the first time I've had to get up from it though. It was a dream where I had no money and was stuck at the petrol station miles and miles away from home and i had blocked my pin number and couldn't transfer any money to my other card.

it was pointless just lying awake in bed so i thought i'd come downstairs!

maybe we should make an 'early morning' chat thread lol
God, its frigging awful eh!!
Everytime I turn over theres is a crunch and click of my spine!! :puke:
My hips are in agony every morning, it take me a good few minutes to get myself mobile!
thx girls nice to know we're not alone :) i'm not minding being pregnant most of the time. sometimes i just feel so :x cos of the discomfort and pain and i feel like i want my body back :)

i managed to get to sleep at around 4 then got up at 6 for a wee wee then got rudely awakened at half 8 as the neighbour is having some kind of work done on the house and they are so loud :x so guess i'll be trying to have a nap later on when they shut up.

i also used to get really realistic dreams. not so much anymore though but they were the kind of dreams that occupy your mind for a good part of the day as they seem so real.
Same over here too! It's ok at the weekends when I can try and get a nap in the day time, but in the week, I can't really nap at work! (Though I may try painting some eye balls on to my eyelips and see if that works!)

I try to keep my eyes as closed as possible for night time toilet trips, in the hope I won't wake up too much so getting back to sleep is easier!

It's getting so light so early too that it's throwing me off when I get up for a 5.30 wee and have to check the time to make sure it's not really 7 and have to get ready!
Definately not alone!! I have my bump supported by 2 pillows and recently that hasn't been doing anything. It makes the bump even more uncomfortable! :x

HideiLu said:
I try to keep my eyes as closed as possible for night time toilet trips, in the hope I won't wake up too much so getting back to sleep is easier!

I just stagger to the toilet and stagger back to the bed! :lol: I am lucky as it is a clear straight line from bed to toilet if I leave the doors open! However I have to leave the curtains open to get the street light in. If I switch a light on I'll be awake for sure! :shakehead:
I either wake up for a wee and cant get back to sleep, or wake up on my back feeling breathless and panicing because I know I shouldnt be on my back, or I get cramp and theat wakes me up.... amongst other things those are the worst..

Its nice to know we are not alone though :)

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