Started maternity leave......its strange!!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2007
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Hi All

I started my maternity leave today and after working full time since I was 17 (now I'm nearly 33) with no break except holidays, it feels soooooo strange!

Did anyone else feel like this when they broke up from work?

I have so many mixed feelings about not working. The worry of the money and relying on one wage. I guess this is normal.

Then I know I have to rest or so everyone keeps telling me but does that mean having a lie in every morning? I feel so lazy doing that!

I'm also worrying about sorting the baby stuff out and even packing my bag as I'm worried something will go wrong (a colleague had a stillbirth a few months ago) and I dont want to jinx anything.

Can someone please reassure me what I'm feeling is normal?
Hi :wave:

I've no idea whats normal. I'm in a similar situation to you. I'm 34 and i finished work just before Christmas as i thought that would ease me in gently. Not officially on mat leave yet as i'm still on holiday (got another 2 weeks of holiday till i start mat leave). Not sure what i'm meant to be doing.

Its not been helped by the fact that its snowed here last night so i don't really fancy going out today. So far all i've done today is play on the wii :oops: and print a list of things to pack in my hospital bag. Hopefully someone will come along in a bit and tell us what to do.

Grace xx
i feel the same about work.

this will be the longest i've ever been off, mine started today but officially i'm taking this week as holiday as i had some left and my maternity starts 12th but i new on the 23rd when i finished work that i wouldn't be back for months but it didn't sink in at the time cos it was xmas and it just seemed like a normal xmas holiday but today with my OH going back to work and being left home alone its sinking in. in a way i hope its not long til my little lad is here so i'm not home alone for long as its boring me already and i'm not really in nesting mode but tried to do some cleaning today then i've gotta pack my hospital bag packed the LO's stuff yesterday then god knows what i'll do everyday til he comes. Also i'd rather not go out to far cos i worry it'll be my luck i'll go into labour whilst out on my own in the car.

the nursery is basically finished apart from putting all his new clothes away but i'm saving that job for tomorrow :lol:

strange feeling not working, spend all my time working wishing i was at home and now i get my wish i'm bored lol there's just no pleasing some people :lol:
Just had to say SNAP!

My first offical day on maternity leave as used up my holiday over Christmas. Feels strange i'm 35 & like you I have worked sice I was 16 never been without a full time job/claimed dole or took a year out travelling etc so very strange.

Went to a Baby Cafe today felt really odd as about 20 Mums there breastfeeding/bottle feeding idea is to meet people etc & midwifes/health visitor there on hand. I sat there thinking I will be holding a baby soon and still doesnt feel real :shock:

After I left I walked through town & it felt odd as I thought I would normally be at work on a Monday and could only get to town on a Saturday!

I have written a to do list of jobs I want to achieve before baby arrives so will start on that tomorrow.

So you are not alone :hug:
I think we all worry about money in different ways........we recently (Aug) returned to the UK having lived for a year in France, and still have our UK mortgage and a French one to pay as our property over there still isnt sold - so thats a worry! Also when we got back to the UK me and my bump were unemployable, and DH spent hours job hunting - luckily he was offered a permanent position for the company he used to contract for on an amazing salary, so cant complain (except the job is based 4 hours away).

We took a year off whilst in France so I havent worked for a while, well not in a salaried job........we were renovating a property in France!

I now worry daily about my LO's movement, and am counting the days away until I get to meet him.

My DH keeps telling me to take it easier, as I am always on the go, but must admit I try and have a small lie in these days -as I dont sleep well through the night, due to such immense pain in my leg joints - and Im off for an afternoon nap in a min having just had a big soak in the bath :D . Your life is about to change dramatically so I would take it easy whilst you can.

Its perfectly normal to worry - there is so much to worry about :D Keep yourself busy and occupied, and then you dont have time to worry as much :D
Thank goodness I'm not alone!! I thought I was just being strange, its just so true that we spend hours at work wishing we weren't there and then when we dont have to be there we feel we should, I nearly even went in to work this morning!

My DH lives and works in Holland monday to friday so I really have to try and keep myself busy. He went back yesterday and that was really hard to deal with.

I dont want to do all the jobs on my list today as I'll run out before the weeks end, although my luck would be me not doing the jobs on the list and LO coming early!

I'm washing through all the babies things at the moment, he has a bigger wardrobe than I do! Will pack my bags tomorrow.

Anyway thanks for the reassurance :wink:
Ditto Ditto Ditto!!!

I started mat leave today too!!! feel weird! I feel like such a lazy bum!!!

I have a list of things I want to get done before baby arrives, but if if I'm not careful I'll have them all done this week!! Trying to go out for a wee walk each day to keep myself moving.... beyond that its just cleaning and washing and sorting out various clothes etc!!!

If I'm honest I've been dreading this in between bit as I was unemployed for about a month a year ago and almost drove myself insane with bordom! ended up spending about 3hrs up the gym (not working out for 3hrs tho!) just to be around people! :oops: :oops:
I felt the same about maternity leave and worked as long as possible. My last working day was 17th December and actually I was taking the rest of my holiday allowance which should have taken me up to my due date of 2nd January. My daughter didn't agree though and was born on 20th December. So I had exactly 2 days to myself before I had her, which is not enough time to start feeling properly lazy.

I loved my job, and thankfully I can do a work-related training course (distance learning) while on leave, but having the little one currently snuggled up to my shoulder, I feel happy not to be in the office.
I started maternity leave offically yesterday and although im loving the lie ins every morning I dont know what to do with myself! Ive started packing my hospital bag but I still need to buy a few bits and sorting out babies stuff and constantly cleaning and getting dinner ready for when OH comes home from work but Im starting to miss being sociable with ppl already lol Id rather be at home than work tho!!
hi i know how you feel.

I was supposed to start my maternity leave at xmas and have 8 weeks off...but was made redundant in October so have a lovely 4 months maternity leave!!!

I am quite resentful this happened to me as it is the worst thing they could have doine - i like being busy and having all this time off and being on my own at least 4 days of the week has reduced me to tears on more than one occasion. I just have to keep busy have some sort of structure to my day - i can't sit on my ass and watch TV all day as I will go mad.

It has dragged but i have just been taking each week at a time and making sure i have something to 'do' every day otherwise i get really down, odd i know. Doesn't help that I am awake at 6am most days too.

I have missed work, yes, crazy i know, don't think i could stay off work full time, i would go mad!

I think we should start a thread about things we all wanna do for "us" before our babies come!!
MrsBrightside said:
I think we should start a thread about things we all wanna do for "us" before our babies come!!

That sounds Good ! :D :D

I started my Mat leave on the 5th jan but have been off since 23rd december on hols ! bored already ! :( :(

so feel exactly the same as you all ! :?

Oh and slept so much today cant sleep now :wall: ! typing in dark too ! as hubby asleep :sleep: beside me in bed ! LOL ! this has taken me ages to write ! LOL ! :rotfl:

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