Started feeling baby move :)


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2011
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Over the last week or so I've started to feel the baby moving every now and then.

It's so nice, can't wait for it to start getting stronger and move regular.
It's lovely isn't it :)

I'm the same baby has started moving several times a day for me now, usually after mealtimes or at bedtime I feel some wriggly little movements :) :)
Aaawww, its a great feeling :)

Ive been feeling her for a few weeks now but today they have been the strongest, even seen one movement from the outside of my belly :D x x

I thought I felt her poke out of the right side of my tummy on sat night, it's proper freaked me out!! I dismissed it because i thought it was too soon but she was in a weird position on my right side and I could feel her when I put my hand on my tummy! Not felt it again. I suppose she is my third baby so probably likely to feel more movements much sooner than before :)
Aaawww, its a great feeling :)

Ive been feeling her for a few weeks now but today they have been the strongest, even seen one movement from the outside of my belly :D x x

Wow, thats amazing :dance:. Don't think I'm anywhere near that stage yet.
That is amazing... Mine are still in the form of flutters... Hope they become more kick like soon... :-)
I thought I felt her poke out of the right side of my tummy on sat night, it's proper freaked me out!! I dismissed it because i thought it was too soon but she was in a weird position on my right side and I could feel her when I put my hand on my tummy! Not felt it again. I suppose she is my third baby so probably likely to feel more movements much sooner than before :)

By the sounds of it it was your little lady hunny :D
They are classing mine as my 3rd pregnancy so they keep telling me everything will happen alot earlier.

DW, you will notice each day that his/her kicks will start getting stronger, thats what happened with my little lady, it depends where she is too. Its the best feeling when you can feel them, makes everything seem more real :D x x

Mine are more than flutters, more like little flicks from the inside if that makes any sense!! LOL. It feels a bit like my muscles are twitching!!
Have been feeling mine for about 2 weeks now, like a shaking, flutters and over the last 4 days or so I have been getting kicks, had the most kicks today in fact, was booting me the whole way back from the school run :lol: and he or she has been very awake today so far which is so lovely, didn't get much movement yesterday and the alarms in my head started to go off so I did a lot of searches on Google and it's normal at this stage phew but today I've had loads already :dance: shame the kicks are not hard enough for hubby to feel yet though :oooo:
How lovely :)

I have felt my little man from about 16 weeks but the last week, or even past couple of days he has not stopped!! Full on kicks, somersaults, dancing lol i have no idea what he is doing in there but ive been watching my tummy rippling all over. I love it but sometimes comes as abit of a shock and have been getiing a few funny looks if i get caught off guard by him! My OH felt him move for the first time today. It was so moving seeing him welling up.

Have seen your other post too, hope everything is ok. All i can say is do what you are doing, keep an eye on it and get it checked out to put your mind at ease.

Tanya x
Mine are more than flutters, more like little flicks from the inside if that makes any sense!! LOL. It feels a bit like my muscles are twitching!!
Same here, sometimes I'm wondering if it's actually me or the baby and i'm just imagining it but i've never felt them before like this so i can only assume it's baby. Especially when i'm lying doing nothing but watching tummy!! lol xxx
Mine are more than flutters, more like little flicks from the inside if that makes any sense!! LOL. It feels a bit like my muscles are twitching!!
Same here, sometimes I'm wondering if it's actually me or the baby and i'm just imagining it but i've never felt them before like this so i can only assume it's baby. Especially when i'm lying doing nothing but watching tummy!! lol xxx

Thats how mine felt until last week so hopefully (in a nice way :) ) in a week or so you will be getting booted left, right and centre and you will definately know about it!!
Ah that's good! Mines a right wriggler, the movements are getting quite strong now, my little bump even seems to get lopsided sometimes!
I get most of my movements when I am lying in bed at night, they are starting to get stronger now :-) Cant wait until my partner can feel them as well. Such a lovely feeling x
Ah that's good! Mines a right wriggler, the movements are getting quite strong now, my little bump even seems to get lopsided sometimes!

Hehe, mine has on the odd occassion too. It looks so strange! You can feel where she is and I get told off from OH for poking her!! lol! xx

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