Staining Issues!


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2005
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What do they put in babyfood nowadays?

We were going out visiting relatives yesterday and I had nothing for Rebecca ironed so I put a white next joggy suit on her which was brand new (bargain £7 in sale)....5 mins later, the white suit had turned orange-her Hipp Organic Penne pasta baby jar had just come back up.

So I changed her into a little pink and white dress (which was brand new 2) we were just going out the door and bang, another load of Penne Pasta.

I put the stuff in the wash with Vanish Oxi Clean, its still stained orange, so I put in in again after rubbing the Vanish Soap Bar straight on the stain, and it has just came out the machine and it's still bloody orange. 2 new outfits ruined. :evil:

Rebecca has reflux so I am used to sick, but what is there in the food to cause it to stain permanentley?

So now all her scabby stained clothes will be worn to nursery! :oops:

PS In the end Bex went out visiting in a babygro-I gave up!
I know your pain of wasting clohes, I give up now and Damien lives in dark tops half the time. At home he just wears vests as I am sick of washing t-shirts. He wore a whilte shirt to my friends wedding on Saturday (yes I know I must be mad). It was a 2hr drive there so he was in a t-shirt on the way there to keep his white vest white. Then just before we went into the church I changed him into his shirt and what did he do?! :puke: so annoyed! And the shirt has spent all last night in the stain remover and it's still frikking orange! :evil:

Boiling it don't work, soaking it in twenty tons of oxy/tecos' own/vanish doesnt work and a normal wash don't go anywhere near it!

Don't know what they put in it, but I know carrot stains everything too. Why does it have to be orange :roll:
Sorry if you guys know and have tried it but i swear by drying stuff in the sun. once a wash has got it clean but still stained i hang out to dry in the sun and it bleaches it out. i swear nearly all my bibs are still the right colour and the ones that arent are really pale stains you can hardly see.

Em78 my washing is out on the line as I speak! :rotfl:

I get excited when it's a nice day and I can hang my washing out! sad git I know!

Sami the amount of money spent on one hit wonder outfits is ridiculous. U try and keep the LO's looking nice, clean and tidy but with this reflux and constant sick, Bex always looks a mess!

When she was christened I didnt feed her solids all day (just so she wouldn't barf!)

my grub must be less orange :lol: thankfully most of alexs goes on the floor as he crawls everywhere!

I'm having the same problem!! I can't get the orange stains out of everything and she looks like a scruff!!
Em78 said:
my grub must be less orange :lol: thankfully most of alexs goes on the floor as he crawls everywhere!


God that's the other one, I won't tell you how many times I've had to shampoo vac my carpet in the last 2 months, it's driving me up the bloody wall! Damien's trick is to puke, look at it, get his hand and rub it everywhere in the carpet before I catch him, he thinks it's halerious! :roll:

I'll try it in the sun when the cycle finishes (it's being washed, again), is lemon juice supposed to be good on whites or would that make it yellow? :think:
:talkhand: :talkhand: Damien - u need to stop ur mummy from turning ur whites yellow! Stick to orange stains they r a nicer colour!!! :rotfl:

Love Becky x
Em78 said:
Sorry if you guys know and have tried it but i swear by drying stuff in the sun. once a wash has got it clean but still stained i hang out to dry in the sun and it bleaches it out. i swear nearly all my bibs are still the right colour and the ones that arent are really pale stains you can hardly see.


Yep i find that works with all the orange stains :cheer: xx
K X said:
:talkhand: :talkhand: Damien - u need to stop ur mummy from turning ur whites yellow! Stick to orange stains they r a nicer colour!!! :rotfl:

Love Becky x

That's what I keep telling my mum, orange stains look so cool, but she ain't havin none of it :roll:

Love Damien x
Glad alex isnt the only monster who plays in his sick!

I have the same problem however Aimee doesnt play in it - thank god!
I have tried everything also & was going to try soaking in bleach but worried that will dye the coloured hems etc...
I managed eventually to get some out once by boiling on the stove twice in vanish then putting through the wash...

I find aimee's speciality is to puke when between bib changes!
Yep tons of Lydia's clothes are orange too - and I can't hang them outside because I don't have a garden...just a tiny TINY yard with no room for a washing line or anything. So I have to use the tumble dryer, which to top it all off shrinks everything!
just an idea, but when we spill red wine (a sin i know to waste good wine) i rub salt in it and then pop it into the washing machine. maybe try rubbing stain with salt and then wash it. just an idea.

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