Spotting ??


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2007
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Hey ladies :wave:
Last month i began spotting at day 21 then AF arrived day 28. I thought it was just a one off but its started again this month. Does anyone else experience this?
hiya baileys-angel,mine was exactly the same feb cycle af was due 15th but spotted once each day for 4 days then af came for 3 days {heavy bleeding} never experience this before always had heavy bleeding for first four days then tails off sorry if tmi.

always thought it was because im getting older each year :rotfl:

don't know what this months going to be like sorry im not very helpful :|
My AF's have started like this since last May. It's such a pain. I thought it may have something to do with low progesterone which is what it says on the internet, but my doc didn't seem worried. I had my hormones checked last month though and my progesterone is fine.
Don't know if thats any help hun but I know how you feel, it's like you don't get a 2WW more like a 1WW.
Do you get AF cramps as well with the spotting? I don't :think:
hey skairdykat :wave:
no i dont get any pain at all. i get all excited tho cos i think its implantation bleeding and then af comes on day 28. i have just begun to see the fertility consultant. had my day 21 bloods done on wednesday and have to go for day 2 bloods next week when af arrives. Sending babydust to you xx

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