

Well-Known Member
May 24, 2006
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Can anyone please tell me what spotting before af means?

My last af was on the 7th of february my cycles are 27 days so i was due on the 6th of march , i started spotting on the 2nd of march and it was just brown blood for 5 days. Now on the 7th of march i had a bleed that was like af but has only lasted 2 days, i usally bleed for 5-6 days. I cant stop thinking theres something wrong with me. I did a test 10dpo but dont want to do another because i hate the bfn they really make me feel down. :?
Hi Sarahdee!
From what I can gather, spotting before AF can vary from anything between finding tiny specks of blood (sometimes red but usually brown) in your knickers on on toilet paper when you wipe, to a couple days of a very light brownish dischrage... From personal experience, I know that sometimes when I'm extremely nervous/upset I can have a day of dark brown discharge but this always happens AFTER AF and before ovulation. :roll: Yesterday I experienced what I think could be implantation bleeding for the first time. Just a brown spot the size of my smallest finger nail in my knickers. :pray: It's so confusing sometimes, isn't it? If I were you I'd definitely test so that you can have some peace of mind. If your next cycle is a bit screwy then maybe you should look into seeing your doctor but we all have funny months like you've experienced. If you've been particularly emotional lately, it can bring on an early bleed. I'm sure there's nothing wrong with you. But do that test anyway! I pray you get some good news!
I had brown spotting last month before I had postitive Hpt. I had never had it before.

Fingers crossed its implantation bleeding!
Gemmap27-do you mind me asking how soon after you had spotting that you got your BFP?

Thank you!
I started spotting on a sunday and did a couple of tests between tuesday and friday all had faint lines. AF was due on the thursday!
I had never had spotting ever before!

Good Luck
With my first child I had a full on red bleed but it lasted 3 days not my usual 7. So I took another test and got a BFP one week late, so test again and will keep everything crossed for you!

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