spotting again...


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2008
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Not sure what is going on but I had spotting on CD1-4 (Thought was af, so put down as very light period) then yesterday I had streaky bloody cm and today I have spotting again (CD15 and 16). Not sure what this could be. Any ideas?
It could be ovulation spotting? If it continues and you are still worried maybe see your GP.
If it was only spotting on what you have classed as CD1-4 and not full flow red blood then it won't have started a new cycle hun. CD1 is the first day of full flow RED blood not spotting. Any spotting should be still classed as then last cycle, only start a new one when you get proper red blood.
Have you not had a normal period yet this cycle? If not then you would still be on your last cycle or you could be PG and just spotted at the time your AF was due.

Or like Lorna said it could be OV spotting. I'd take a HPT to make sure I'm not PG and if not I'd guess it was OV and you did just have a light period.

But if the spotting carries on I would definately see your GP.

God that's depressing... sorry the truth hurts but I'll just have to be tough! I was unsure as the book I have by Tony Weschler 'Taking charge of your fertility' says class it as spotting if there is blood when you wipe only (paraphrased) but I had a couple of dots in my undies so think I was kidding myself.... So that probable makes me on CD 90 or something. It's just weird as I had that first lot of spotting and now 2 weeks later have another lot. It is quite watery. I have done a HPT and its negative. I have an appointment with Fertility Clinic on 26th November so maybe she will put me on clomid or something.

I have had 3 sessions of acupuncture so maybe my body is trying to do something?

Tx for your support again!
Can not really suggest anything that has not already been said just wanted to send these :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Tx for the hugs, I clicked your eggs :wink: It's really weird as I have had 2 almost +ve opk's (90 percent) so I thought it must've been af. My second was at the start of this 'round' of spotting. I also have gassy, sharp pain tummy/lower abdomen area.

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